House Hunting

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*2 weeks later*

Amy wakes up to the smell of waffles, she gets up and walks downstairs to Ty making breakfast and Lou and Grandpa sitting at the table.
"Good morning everyone." Amy said.
"Morning." Grandpa replied.
"what are you up to today?" Grandpa asked.
"I'm working with a horse who's scared of cars and then I'm going somewhere with Ty." Amy replied and looked at Ty.
"Ok, well be careful and have fun." Grandpa mentioned.
"We will." Amy replied walking out the door with Ty following behind.
"So, we have to leave at 1:30pm. I'll meet you back here in 3 hours." Ty explained.
"Okay, see you then." Amy replies walking into the barn.

3 hours later...

Ty pulls up to Heartland in his truck and Amy hops in. Ty drives for about 5 minutes when they arrive at their destination.
"What's this?" Amy asks.
"I guess you'll have find out." Ty replies and gets out of the truck. Amy gets out, meets Ty at the front of and he intertwines our fingers. Ty leads me up the drive way of a horse ranch to a huge barn with 20 stalls.
"Wow! This is beautiful." Amy comments.
"Wait till you see the house." Ty responds with a smile.
"Let's go check it out then." Amy says and pulls Ty towards the house.
"Okay, okay, slow down!" Ty laughs and catches up to me.
They walk up to the house and Ty opens the door for Amy. Amy walks in and looks around amazed - the house has 7 bedrooms and 6 bathrooms - Ty gives Amy a tour of the house and talks about the ranch. After the tour Ty and Amy walk back out to the truck and drive home.
"So, how was it?" Ty asks.
"It's perfect!" Amy replies.


If you want me to write a chapter or two about something specific you have in mind please leave a comment or dm me your idea and I'll see what I can do. Thanks to everyone who reads, votes and comments on this book. You are all amazing.

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