Here Comes the Bride

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It was the morning of Amy and Ty's wedding, Ty walks into the barn.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE!! GET OUT!!!" Lou yells while chasing Ty out of the barn.
"Calm down Lou, I didn't know you and Amy were in there, I just went in to check something." Ty explained
"Oh, well you can't, so whatever you need to check can wait till later. Now go get ready for your wedding." Lou said with a smile on her face.

Ty left in his truck and Lou walked back into the barn to help Amy get ready.

1 hour later...

"Lou." Amy called.
"Amy, I'm in my room, what's wrong?" Lou asked.
"My makeups not here." explained Amy.
"Ok, where did you have it last?" Lou questioned.
"Um, I don't know..... Oh, that's right I left it at the trailer." Amy remembered.
"Ok, you stay here and I'll go get it." said Lou.

Lou got in her truck and drove over to the trailer.

"Hey Lou, what are you doing here?" Ty asked as he walked out of the trailer.
"Hey, um, Amy forgot her makeup here and I came to pick it up for her." Lou explained.
"Oh, its right here." Ty said.
"Thanks Ty. Where's Caleb?" Lou asked.
"He's inside getting ready. What time should we be there at?" asked Ty.
"2:30." Lou answered.
"Ok, see you then." Ty said.
"Bye." replied Lou as she got in her truck and drove away.

2 hours later...

Amy and Lou were just finishing the touchups on their hair and makeup when Jack walked in...
"Amy, we have a problem." he said.
"What, what's wrong?" Amy asked scared out of her mind.
"You're growing up to fast and I don't know what to do about it." Jack explained.
"Oh grandpa." Amy cried and went over and hugged Jack.

About 2 minutes later everyone started to sit down. Jack and Tim helped Amy onto Spartan so she wouldn't wreck her beautiful dress and then got onto their own horses. Ty and Lou were waiting on the porch when Georgie Walked out of the barn with Sugarfoot by her side and Amy, Jack and Tim following behind on their horses.

"Wow. You look beautiful." Ty mentioned with a big smile.

Caleb and Ty walked in and waited at the end for it to start.
Just a few moments later Katie, Georgie and Lou started walking down the aisle, followed by Jack and Tim on each side of Amy walking her down the aisle. Jack and Tim both kissed Amy's cheek, gave her to Ty and sat down.

The preacher then said,
"Welcome family, friends, and loved ones. We gather today to celebrate the wedding of Amy and Ty."
"Do you Ty take Amy to be your wife, your partner in life and your one true love? Will you love her, comfort her, honour her, and protect her as long as you both shall live?"
Ty: "I will."
"Do you Amy, take Ty to be your husband, your partner in life and your one true love/" Will you love him, comfort him, honour him, and protect him as long as you both shall live?"
Amy: "I will."
*exchanging of rings*
"By the power of your love and commitment and the power vested in me, I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may kiss."
Ty and Amy leaned in for their kiss and everyone stood up and clapped.

After they had dinner and everyone congratulated Ty and Amy, Ty and Amy were called for their first dance together as a couple.

5 hours later...

Almost everyone had left the house and Lou was starting to clean up. Ty walks over to Amy and puts his arms around her waist. Amy jumps
"TY!!!" screamed Amy. "You scared me." Amy said relieved it wasn't someone else.
"It's almost 2:00am, you ready to go?" Ty questioned.
"Yea, let's go!" Amy exclaimed.
Ty put his arm around Amy's waist, kissed her cheek and drove over to the Dude Ranch.

When they get to the Dude Ranch Amy and Ty get out of the truck and Ty meets Amy by her door. He grabs her hand and they both ran to the door of their room.
"It's locked." Amy said
"Are you sure?" Ty questions and try's to open it himself. "You're right it is." Ty said with a shocking look.
"Here, I have an idea. Follow me." Ty says while grabbing Amy's arm and going back to the truck.

They drove to the barn and got out of the truck. Ty went and opened the barn door for Amy and they both ran up the stairs to the loft together. They opened the loft doors and stared up at the stars.
"So, I guess I did it. I married the boy in the loft." Amy said happily.
"Yes you did." Ty replied with a smile on his face and leaned in to kiss Amy.
They both looked out, then at each other and closed the doors to the loft.

Amy and Ty: Life after marriageWhere stories live. Discover now