Be Alright .

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Kehlani -

And there it was . Suddenly the sun flashed my eyes , I reached to the coffe table for my phone . I had 13 missed calls and all of them from kelly . Fuck . I mentally said .
It was now 3:05 pm , and I was still extremely tired with a slight head ache .
I laid back down with my arms around you is the over my eyes , after a long breath I decided to get up .

Until I realized I couldn't because Chris's head was rested on my lower stomach with his arms tied around my waist . God . He looked so peaceful . And attractive, I could only imagine what he was thinking about .

I don't know how to feel about him , I just know that last night definitely gave a different insight on his entire life .

" chris ! " I semi - yelled . That didn't help becuase it only made him only grasp me tighter .

" chriisss " i whined tapping his head . His eyes never opened as he scooted upon me now so that he was in between my legs .

" chris !" I smacked him , and that caught his attention. He looked at me as if he had seen the devil once he sat up .

" why you still in my house ?" He asked .

" I don't know , I fell asleep and you were holding me . " i said nervous

" you should probably leave I - " he was inturppted by the door bell .

Chris -

Of course I knew she was in my house , I know she slept with me .. Literally slept on a couch fully clothed with me . It was kind of awkward because of how it all went down .

Last night -

" everything will be okay " I told her as i caressed her head . She was straddling me and holding my neck as she cried .

" it won't . I heard that my entire life " she said climbing off of me .

She sat in the corner of the couch wiping her eyes and I just looked at her . She was so beautiful. You ever knew that somebody was kind of yours with out you even having to aknowledge it ? That's how I felt .

" it will be okay . Let's just get some rest and maybe tommorrow will be better . " I said as she nodded.

She layed on her back looking at the ceiling , her jacket was a little open and shows the many tats on her belly . I decided to trail them .

" so what's this one ? " I said trailing her all black tattoo , it had some special writing on it that I could barely make out . She stared before she spoke .

" my aunts name . The women who took care of me . " she said looking back at the ceiling . I just nodded and from all the drugs I was off I got sleepy . I formed in between her legs , and she looked at me with so much worry in her eyes .

" don't worry . Im not trying to do that . " I assured her . We were face to face in dim light , I wasnt exactly in the right state of mind being so i lightly pecked her lips .

" Chris no . I won't . " she stated. I traveled down to her belly and placed kisses on her tatoos and I felt her body tense . And from there ? I crashed and fell asleep.


My thoughts were wild , and I dint know how to act but now wasn't the time because I knew some trouble was about to occur once the door bell rung .

" fuck !" I semi yelled . Kehlani looked so confused and I never told her about my daughter in fear she would run but more importantly if my baby mother sees her here she will use this in court . I've been in this bad custody battle . Before I could collect my self the door swung open .

" daddy ! " royalty screamed . I smiled so hard like I loved her so much it was crazy .

How tf they get in ?

Seconds later her mother stormed in . Fuck my life .

" oh chris ?! You got a hoe in here around my child ?" She screamed .

" hey I - " kehlani said but I cut her off

" look Monica my personal life doesn't concern you and she isn't even a hoe . Just leave and I'll bring royalty over later ." I said calmly .

She stormed out . I didn't even care. Now don't get me wrong I don't regret my baby girl how ever she planned this , she wants my money and with royalty she would get it forever.

My eyes turned too meet with Kehlani's and her face was blank .

" im sorry about that , she's just such an amazing person I would say . " I joked

" no im sorry. I didn't know you even had a child , I would've never slept over . " she said spacing out her words

" well I'll leave and let me know when the song gets mastered and all of that good stuff . " she said with a faded smile as she put on her shoes and left my door .

What the fuck did I do ?

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