Ch. 2

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"Karen, can you get the cinnamon please? It's right up in the top shelf." Gary's mom says. Karen reaches up and gets it for her.

"Cinnamon in chili?" I ask, intrested.

"Yeah, it makes it taste amazing!" Gary says, smiling at us.

I smell the food and my mouth starts watering. Karen and I are staying until lunch, so the Harrison's decided to make chili. Gary leads us to the dinning room, where we sit with the family and wait for food. Once everyone has a bowl, Gary's dad says grace and I bow my head. I slightly look at Karen. She just sits and waits for us to finish, like always.

After we finish with the food, which was amazing by the way, Karen and I get some clothes that we would be willing to let be ruined and leave the house, saying goodbye to the Harrisons.

I hold Karen's hand as we walk down the street to our house.

I stop in my tracks, as does Karen, at the site in front of us. Our house... our trash stricken, garbage loaded, meth holding, cum smelling house is now nothing more than some burnt wooden framing and ashes. Police, ambulance, and fire cars surround it. I notice in one area, police have a man cuffed and they take him to a car. I sigh as I see that it's my dad.

I walk over with Karen. "What's bail this time?" I ask the officer.


"There is no bail this time. He set this house on fire with a tied up hooker in a chair and two young adults inside of it. All three are dead." My eyes widen. Dad must have gotten a hooker for comfort and Kevin probably had his girlfriend over. "He's going to jail for life."

"What are we supposed to do?" Karen asks.

I nod. "Yeah, I'm not eighteen yet! We can't live on our own, and all the rest of the family we might have is dead." I say.

The police man sighs as he puts dad into the car.

"You two will go into foster care. I'm sorry, young McCormicks." He says. A woman walks over to us and tells us to follow her so she can put us into the system. I look down and hold Karen's hand while we walk to her car. We sit in the back. She looks at me.

"What if the family we get hurts us, even when they're not drunk?" She asks, genuinely worried.

I shrug. "We make a run for it to Gary's house." I suggest. She lays her head on my shoulder.

"What if they separate us?" She asks.

"I won't let that happen. I promise."

We sit in the back as we go to the foster care home that South Park has for now. I sit in a chair next to a boy that doesn't look much older than me.

"Might want to learn to get used to this place, blondy. People never go for the older kids." He says. "This little one here, though, has a cute enough face to get a home." He adds.

I grin. "May be so, but just wait. There's some people around town who care enough to help us. Someone here will care enough about you to help eventually. Just wait patiently." The moment after I say that, the whole Harrison family walks in. Gary catches my eye and smiles. After a few minutes, our names are called. "Good luck getting a home, buddy." I say, actually meaning it.

He looks at me like I'm crazy. I respond with a smile. I hold Karen's hand and walk to the Harrisons with her.

"Karen, Kenny, this is your new family." The lady at the front desk says.

"They already were." I mumble under my breath.

After a while of filling out papers and stuff, we leave to go home. I already considered this place a home beforehand, so this is nothing new and it doesn't feel weird saying it.

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