The Break-up

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-Sky's P.O.V-

You shouldn't tickle someone when they are walking down the stairs! I yelled at him.

It's not my fault your so clumsy! He yelled.

I had socks on and the floor is polished wood! It's not my fault my foot slipped! I yelled starting to get tears in my eyes.

I don't think we are working out! He yelled while starting to leave the room.

Neither do I! I yelled back.

I started crying. I don't like when people see me cry so I started running up the stairs. Once I got to my room I slammed my door shut.  I heard someone knocking on my door.

What do you want! I yelled.

To talk. I think it was Ashton.

Come in. I said.

He sat on my bed and hugged me.

I know your sad but we have a meet and great in 2 hours and I promise when we get back me and you can eat ice cream ad watch movies. He said.

Alright. Now get out so I can get ready. I said.

After he left I got in the shower. When I got out I dried and straightened my hair. I went to my closet and started looking. I decided to wear grey skinny jeans, black with red writing peirce the veil shirt, red flannel around my waist, and black converses.

I grabbed my phone and went downstairs. Once I was downstairs I said bye to mum and went out to Ashtons car.

Hey. I said.

Hey. He said.

- At The Meet and Greet -

The guys are sitting behind a table and the rest of us are sitting behind them.

I saw Luke kiss a fan on the cheek and it upset me.

I walked outside and went to the Starbucks across the street.

1 Carmel Frappiccino. I told the guy behind the counter.

Finally you order one. The guy said.

I looked up to see the guy from California.

Why are you here? I asked.

I decided to move to Florida because my family lives here. He said.

Oh. I said while paying and grabbing my drink.

I went to a table. Someone sat in front of me but I didn't bother looking up.

You could of told me you where coming to Florida. Someone said.

I looked up to see Brent.

Brent what are you doing here? I asked starting to get happy.

Well I had to text Isabella because you haven't been answering and she said you guys came her. So me and the guys decided to come. Brent said.

Oh where are they? I asked.

They will be here soon. He said.

As he said that the door opened and his friends walked in.

Hey Nick. I said.

What your not gonna say Hey to us? The other blonde asked.

I don't know your names. I said.

Oh i'm Max and this is Joey. Max said.

So the other blonde is Max and the other brunette is Joey. Alright not to hard to remember. 

I heard the bell on the door go off so I turned around. Michael walked in looking for someone.Once he spotted me he came over to the table.

Hey Luke is looking for you. Michael said.

Well tell him I don't want to be found. I said.

He is really sorry. He told me.

If he was sorry he would say that himself. And we just broke up and he is already kissing other girls so I don't think he is sorry. I said.

That was a fan all of us do that see watch. He said.

He went up to a random girl  and they started talking. He kissed her on the cheek and then walked back over.

See. He said.

Alright but i'm not talking to Luke. I said

Well you better hide then. He said.

I turned around to see that Luke was walking over.

I crawled under the table before he could see me.

Has anyone seen Skyler? Luke asked.

Yeah she is under... Before he could finish his entence I punched him where he don't want to be punched.

She is under the counter. He said while pointing to the counter.

Why is she under there? He asked.

Because she wanted coffee? Brent asked.

I started laughing so I covered my mouth and I ended up hitting my head on the table.

Ouch. I said.

What was that? Luke asked starting to look under the table.

It was me I hit my head on the wall. Nick said.

I started laughing again.

Who is laughing? Luke asked.

Uh me. Max said.

I couldn't stop laughing and I hit my head on the table again.

Ouch! I yelled.

Luke looked under the table and saw me.

What are you doing under there? He asked.

Nothing. I said while crawling out.

I started to walk away when he grabbed my wrist.

What do you want? I asked.

To say sorry. He said.

Well I don't want to hear it so bye. I said while yanking back my wrest and walking out.

I decided to go to a cafe and eat something. I am gonna go to Ocean Cafe. I love there food. It is really yummy.

- At Ocean Cafe -

Ocean Cafe is on the board walk so it didn't take to long to get here. I guess the guys like sea food also because they are here.

I decided to sit by myself. I took my seat and waited for the waitress. 

Hi. My name is Stacy and I will be your waiter. What would you like to drink? She said.

Sweet tea please. I told her.

She left to go get my tea so I looked at the menu.

When she came back I told her I wanted fish and popcorn shrimp.

She left to go get my food so I sat there and waited.

She came back with my food and I started to eat.

After I ate I went home. It's pretty late and I know i'm supposed to watch movies with Ashton but i'm to tired and plus they have a concert tomorrow.

I walked up to my room and changed into shorts and a tanktop. I laid down and drifted off to a dreamless sleep.


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