{Chapter Five}

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I'm sorry that I update unexpectedly and too much, but I'm sick, so I have nothing better to do.

Except rewatch Supernatural.

Sorry for the mistakes!

{Chapter Five}

The next day passes the same, as the last. We go to our classes, introduce ourselves, leave. It got easier by my fifth class, where I knew what to say and basically, rehearsed it in my head a thousand times, before I said it.

I never saw the man, who I think is Alpha Xavier's Beta, after that day, but his words ring my ears, when I have time to think.

They were dark, scary and almost reassuring. Reassuring that he'd see me again soon- and not for good reasons.

I know, that if I stay in the mutual area, I will be fine. He can't exactly drag me over to his pack, to be tortured. It has been rumored, that the Alpha is running out of rogues to torture.

God, I hope this won't affect me.

"I don't mornings." My dorm mate sleepily mumbles, rubbing her eyes and stretching.

Olivia and I have learnt more about each other, over the past couple of days. One, she hates mornings with a burning passion. She said she'd like to just stay in bed forever and even thought of applying for the NASA job, where you lay in bed for seventy two days.

I've learned about her boyfriend, who she brags is a 'total hunk'. She also told me not to tell him, that she called my brother's friends and him gorgeous, as he's really protective. His name's Noah and he lives in the Brooklyn, which is where Alpha Xavier's pack is.

I wonder if he knows, he's surrounded by werewolves.

"Why did God create mornings?" Olivia groans, sitting up and blinking at me.

"So lazy asses, like you, get out of bed in the morning." She flips me off, walking into the bathroom, not fully closing the door, but enough so I can't see.

"Are you doing anything today?" She questions starting the shower and getting in.

"Not really. Go talk to Ry and the guys. Might go shopping." I answer. "How about you?"

"This afternoon I'm going to meet up with Noah. Hey, you should come!" She exclaims, excited. I go to decline, but she cuts me off. "You're coming. I want you to meet him."

"I can't come on your date." Shaking my head at her, ridiculousness.

"It's not an date. All he said was that we were going to have a coffee. He even said that I can bring someone, if I want to." Olivia stops the shower and gets out.

"I have things to do..." I try.

"No you don't. That's why I asked first. I wanted you to come and meet him!"


"You're coming." She says, swinging the door open dramatically, like a Boss Bitch. She's dresses in black leggings, a short sleeved white shirt and a loose jumper over top.

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