{Chapter Sixteen}

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I'm sorry that the places in my book are not actual places.

I've noticed that my story, not including the werewolf stuff, is pretty unrealistic. So, I want to ad more modern and realistic things in, so please just bare with me.

This is a very very very dirty book and there is going to be a lot of sex talk and dirty talk in here.

Then my best friend is going to write their sex scene ;)

All rights go to the Instagram account @aretheycheaters

Sorry for the mistakes!

{Chapter Sixteen}

It's been two weeks since Xavier was suspended. Two weeks since I was marked and two weeks since I saw my mate.

There's an aching in my heart, because of his disappearance. He's at his pack, that much I know, but he hasn't called, or text. It's almost as if we'd never met, except for the sharp pains in my heart I get from missing him.

Over the last two weeks I've learned that there isn't much to missing someone. It just feels like something's wrong. I feel wrong. Bare even. It's almost as if, he's the paint and I'm the canvas. Without him, I feel plain and useless.

And I know that there are plenty of people out there, who would tell me 'If you feel like that, you depend on him too much'. And I'm sorry, but I feel like shit without him.

It's only been three weeks since we've met and it's like I've fallen in the deep end of a pool and I can't get out. I don't want to either. I want to just keep swimming in the water, not worrying about needing air.

I miss him and all I have that keeps me sane, is his hoodie, his smell and his mark.

My absolutely stunning mark.

It didn't show up for a couple of days, because the wound was still healing, but once it was healed, my tattoo like mark, began to grow. The mark started off very faint, all I could see were the outlines of two wolf heads howling at the Moon and Xavier's name lightly drawn, as if in pencil, underneath.

Then, one wolf started to fill in and turned black, as the other just stayed an outline. That's when I realized we were Yin and Yang. His wolf dark and brooding, while I be the happiness and peace inside him and I am the peaceful and happy white wolf, that needs discipline and the skill to fight. Underneath our wolves, his name is written in a thick cursive font.

Apparently, I smell like him too now, so everyone backs off.

"Hey Keke!" Ryot greets, slumping down at the table. Olivia has a class right now, Flynn and Caleb are going to buy a gift for Dan's birthday and Dan is still asleep, even though it's eleven.

"Hey Otbot." I smile. "How was sleeping?"

"Refreshing." He smiles, bringing up a case of my favorite doughnuts. He slides it to the middle of the table, sharing.

"Where did you go to get these?" Picking up a delicious donut with chocolate icing and putting it in my mouth, I moan. Best doughnuts ever.

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