Chapter 33

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Harry POV
Liam was the one who eventually found it. While I headed straight for her room, where I found her phone, he'd gone to the kitchen and discovered...

A note.

Just sitting there on the counter, next to a pair of scissors. Though there wasn't any sign of deadly use on the scissors, I was afraid that maybe Lexi's attacker had harmed her in some way. What if she's dead? A quick glance through the note answered that question pretty quickly.

Dear Hazza,
I'm going to assume it's you reading this, because you're
the one having sex with this slut. So if the slut's
mother is reading this, BYE. This is for Harry's eyes
only. Okay. Now that it's just us, Harold, I would like
to disclose to you what you must do to find your sex
buddy. I want you to come to the address written at
the bottom of the page. She'll be there, as will I. Do
NOT call the police. The only people you may bring are
your bandmates, because ASDFGHJKL. Also, I have
Alexandra's address from that picture you took two
weeks ago. I'll release it to the world if you don't
follow my orders. SEE YOU SOON!!
Much Love,
a One Direction superfan

Four thoughts coursed through my mind.

1) She was a fan. What kind of sick fan was she?! An obsessed one.

2) She thought Lexi and I were sex buddies. What the hell?! CAN'T I JUST HAVE A FEMALE FRIEND?! Says the boy who wants to date her. Oops.

3) It was my fault. My fucking fault. EXCUSE MY FRENCH. I had to take that damn picture. I hadn't even realized the envelope was in the background. Stupid.

4) I had to go. Right now.

And so I did.

A/N: okay... Yeah so hi. @TheBiggestBookFreak and I put out The Girl in the Band yesterday, but nobody's really reading it. Oh well lol. Tysm for reading this, guys... ILYSFM


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