The Girl who Cried

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Lily Evans never cried. Never. So when James Potter saw lily Evans holding a letter tearing up, he knew something was wrong. Just before a strange owl flew into the great hall, right in front of her. Lily looked at the owl strangely. She got the letter from its claws and the owl flew off. Lily opened the letter and as she read it tears sprung in here eyes.

Lily ran out of the Great Hall. I had to follow her, so I did. She was already long gone. So I ran up to my dorm and grabbed the invisibility cloak and the marauder map. I opened the map, pointed my wand to it, and said the magic words. She was at the astronomy tower.

I put the cloak over me and ran. I climbed up and opened the door. Lily was wheezing uncontrollably with sadness. She was sitting against the wall with her head tucked into her knees and her arms around her legs. She looked up. Her face was red and she had tear stained cheeks, but she still looked beautiful.

I took off the cloak and closed the door. Lily looked up at me with sadness still wheezing. I sat next her and pulled her into me. She put her head into me neck and snuggled in. I wrapped me arms around her and circled my fingers around her back.

I just held her there. In between the wheezing she spoke. Words I never imagined. "Dead. They're dead." She went back to the wheezing. Slowly she calmed down to just sobbing.

"Lily." She looked up at me with those bright, emerald eyes. "What happened? It might help to tell someone."

"My parents -sniff- Death eaters attacked -sob- them last -sob- night -sniff-. They're dead -sob- petunia is -sniff- alive though."

I didn't saying anything. I couldn't. It wouldn't help to say "sorry" or "they're in a better place"

I just held her. I held her the way I wish someone would have held me when my parents died.

"My parents died 2 weeks ago."

She didn't say anything either. Another sniff came and then silence. I didn't need the pity anymore. A war was coming. There wasn't time for pity. Soon the sobbing died down.

"I love you."

Lily looked up amazed, but still sadness in her eye, "I love you too, James."

I couldn't believe it. I wanted to kiss her, but it wasn't what she needed. So I just held her tight all night.

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