James's version of cinderella

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A/N: I wrote this story a few years ago before I became an lgbtqia+ ally. I in no way believe that just girls and boys can be soulmates. Boys and boys can be soulmates and girls and girls can be soulmates. There are also non binary people who can have soulmates as well. I blame this boy/girl soulmate patronus plot hole on J.K. Rowling who is homophobic and transphobic and who I no longer support.

I ran. You could hear the slytherins yelling from the prank I pulled on them. I changed their robes into gryffindor colors. I ran to the closest place to hide, the astronomy tower. Thump thump. My jogging pace echoed through the halls. I got to the astronomy tower and I heard a voice, "Expecto Patronum."

It was a beautiful doe. It leaped around the tower in a silvery-blue mist. But what really made my heart leap was the fact that it was my soulmate Patronus. I was about to walk in to see who it was, but then the death eater slytherins found me. I ran to the Gryffindor tower, said the password, and turned my back on the door faster than you can say quiditch. I was panting and out of breath. I walked up to my room and onto my bed. I got a bottle of firewhiskey from the bottom of my bed and took a swig.

Who was this girl? Why was she practicing her Patronus? Why haven't I seen her Patronus before? I mean we've learned about them in class. We had to be able to cast one by Christmas break in front of the class. Maybe she isn't in Gryffindor. Damn it I had to go the hospital wing during that class after playing exploding snaps. I cast my Patronus in private. So I still got a grade for it.

I'll ask Sirius even though the only thing he can recognize a girl by is her boobs. I decided to announce it to the Great Hall. It was dinner time so it was perfect. I walked up to the podium and yelled, "Hey people im looking for a girl with a doe Patronus. Please tell me if you know someone with a doe Patronus." I walked off and went to my fellow marauders.

"What was that, Prongs?"

"Well Pads, I was running away from the slytherins and I saw someone at the astronomy tower cast a doe Patronus. And I read during our animagus hunt that if someone has the opposite gender Patronus as you or something you are soulmates. Since mine is stag we are meant to be."

"Yeah but how are you going to find her. Do really expect a girl to just randomly come up to you and have her be the "one"." Remus tries to put reason into everything. I don't know.

Dinner was over and the marauder's and I went to the black lake like we usually do. After thirty minutes I looked at the marauders map and saw lily was close by with her friends. Sirius, Peter, and Remus left so it was just me there. I climbed up in the tree  I was leaning on.

"You have to tell him!" One of them said.

"No I don't. I hate him." Lily said that. I'd known that  voice from anywhere.

"No you don't. Why is he asking for someone with doe patronus anyway?" The third friend said.

"I don't know. I read that Patronuses can make a bond between two people. Like if Alice had a female cat Patronus and Frank had a male cat Patronus, then you would be soulmates. So If James's had a stag Patronus then a person with a doe Patronus would be soulmates."

"Ohhhh. We should go." About five minutes after they left,  I went back to the Gryffindor common room. I was thinking about what they said. Was lily the one with the doe Patronus? Was she my soulmate? I was hoping.

"James?" I turned around and saw lily.

"Yeah?" I was kinda confused. I thought I would have to be the one to confront her.

"Can I talk to you outside the Gryffindor tower." She looked nervous. It was cute.

"Sure, lily." I said softly. I followed her out the portrait.

"Okay here it goes." She muttered under her breath. "Expecto Patronum."

It was such a graceful movement. The doe was just as beautiful as it was before. It danced around so elegantly. "Expecto Patronum." My stag dances around hers and then joined hers into a heart. Then disappears.

"I guess you're my soulmate, James Potter." She said matching my grin.

"I do believe so, Lily Evans."

Then we kissed.

In that moment I  knew were truly meant to be.

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