XXI - Taken

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Chapter Twenty-One

It was late in the afternoon two days later and London still hadn't heard from Marbell since he'd landed in Manchester. He had already started to get nervous the morning after, but once noon rolled around, he was beginning to think things hadn't gone well, and Marbell was too shaken to give him a ring. He'd tried multiple times to get a hold of Marbell through voicemail, phone call, and even video chat, but none of his attempts were ever answered. After night came around the day the teacher was supposed to have been back, London couldn't help but think the worst. He remembered back to his younger years when his own Old Man had discovered his attraction to the same-sex. Things definitely hadn't ended well, and he was scared that's how it'd turned out for Marbell.

Pacing back and forth through the living room, London tried one more time, deciding that if nothing went through, he'd do everything he could to get in contact with Marbell's father. When the rings went on and on and on with no answer, London was about to end the call when it was finally picked up. "Hello?" Marbell said.

"Hello?" London barked back, "What do you mean 'hello'? I've been calling you nonstop for the past two days. You had me worried sick. Where are you? Are you okay?"

"Oh, I'm perfect."

London's itchy nerves didn't take lightly to the soft and proud tone in Marbell's voice. "Where are you?"

"Answer the front door."

At the demand, London hustled for the door and threw it open. On the patio stood Marbell in black slacks and a spruce blue shirt. His glasses sat perched on his cheeks as a goofy smile spread across his lips, and the sheer happiness glowing in his eyes was enough to tell London he really was in a perfect mood. He had a bouquet of a dozen red and white roses in his hand, and the first thing he did was hold them out to London.

Hanging up and throwing his phone, London lunged for Marbell, taking the teacher into his arms. Squeezing fearfully, he said, "Jesus fucking Christ, why weren't you answering me, you idiot!? I was about to hunt down your father and demand where you were."

Marbell readjusted the flowers in his hand and then worked his arms from London's grip to hug them around his neck. "I'm sorry, I wanted to surprise you."

"Well, you ended up scaring the shit out of me instead. Don't do that to me ever again." Unleashing Marbell, London finally looked towards the flowers. "Are those for me?"

"Yes," Marbell handed them over, watching as London pressed his nose into the velvet petals. "There's a card in there for you, too," he mentioned.

Letting Marbell inside, London closed the door and pinched his fingers into the bundle, pulling out a small weighted white card from the center. Giving Marbell a look before opening it, he was confused to find a single silver key taped to the inside. Taking it out, he looked it over, and said, "What is this for?"

Dragging in the luggage he had with him, Marbell left it on a dining chair, and said, "I was going to be cliché and say you have the key to my heart, but that would have been–."

"Horrible," London laughed, "Don't say that."

Marbell's eyes lit up, and he continued, "I was gone for an extra day because I spent the whole time looking around for a little something I've been wanting to give you. Let's just say it's made of brick, a two story, and has way too many rooms."

London stared at Marbell for a second and his throat went dry. "Did you...did you buy me a house?"

"It's already paid off and everything."

Feeling suddenly weak in the knees, London had to catch himself on the wall dividing the hallway and the kitchen. "You bought me a house," he said, "You bought me a fucking house."

Lover for Pay: The Escort & the Teacher (manxman)Where stories live. Discover now