I - Fucked

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Chapter One

It was just another Thursday night as London gathered his duffel bag, and just like every night, he hated having to leave his family home alone so late and for so long, but that's the one trouble he had to go through with being an escort. He lived with his younger siblings Joyce (4) and Henry (16) acting as their father figure since their Old Man was locked up, and their mother, well, she couldn't be more of a junkie if she tried.

London was just content with the fact that his brother thought he worked in a warehouse overnight. He required this extra money, aside from his day job at the local antique shop, to afford taking care of his siblings. Since gaining custody the day after his twentieth birthday, the court was sure to enforce that if he could not take care of Joyce and Henry properly, they'd take them away, and that wouldn't happen. They were his family, and no court system was going to take them away.

After grabbing a bottle of orange juice from the fridge, London turned it open and swigged back some. There was a calendar on the face of the door, a place he wrote down everything since he was a bit forgetful. For the next day, Friday after school, he had a "parent" teacher conference for Henry; the teacher having asked for him to come in since Henry wasn't being the best of students.

"This boy," London sighed.

Before heading out the door finally, he glimpsed himself in the mirror, taming the slight curl of his hair with a backwards run of his fingers. He didn't think he looked like the kind of guy people would expect to be an escort. He was tall and broad shouldered, looking a bit like what he liked to think was a mix of rugged and classy. Dozens upon dozens of tattoos even littered his body, running up each of his muscular arms, all along his neck, a giant black skull upon his back, and a few were on his legs. London had a clean shaven face with sharp finely chiseled features, dark hair cut shortly on each side with a floppy fringe. And while his choice in clothing usually called for ironed jeans and button downs like tonight, that was just his get up just in case Henry was still awake to see him off to work. When he reached his clients, his clothing mainly consisted of nothing at all, and neither his brother nor sister needed to see that.

It was the middle of Spring, so the night was a bit muggy, but with it being so late, almost striking midnight, the streets were clear from traffic. Everyone was either home or already in their individual bars and late night workplaces.

He had a new client tonight, someone by the name of Marbell Matthews, 25 years old. Just by the sound of his voice over the phone yesterday, London could tell this was his first time calling in for something like this. First timers always sounded the most nervous. It was a lot different when his usuals booked a night. They chatted like they were old friends, had a few laughs and then booked a time.

London headed across town to the agreed upon location. He liked to think he was a bit of a classy kind of guy, so rundown motels were definitely off-limits. If he was going to sell his body for a good profit, he wanted these little meetings to take place somewhere cozy instead of stale.

After the drive, he pulled into the parking lot of The Grand Abode; a four star hotel. He stalled at the front of the lot, and looked up at the twenty story building. His client had informed London ahead of time that they'd be meeting in room 1005 on the tenth floor.

After stepping foot in the red carpet elevator, London pushed for the tenth floor. The hall was empty once the doors opened and he headed for the room he'd be spending a piece of his night. For a moment he stopped before the door to check his phone. Henry had a thing about waking up in the middle of the night sometimes to give him a call. When he was sure he hadn't any missed calls, London stuffed the phone back into his bag and knocked.

Lover for Pay: The Escort & the Teacher (manxman)Where stories live. Discover now