Epilogue - Sex.

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For London to be able to say he was celebrating his five year anniversary felt like reaching a milestone. It was the twentieth of June, bright and sunny outside, hot with a cool breeze, and the ocean view from here was incredible. Clear blue waters surrounded the private spot, and it was the quietest he'd ever heard the world be in the past five years. Off the coast of Greece, London stood out in the white sand, bare feet buried as the sounds of pulsing waves filled his ears. He breathed in the salty sea air and turned his back on the ocean, walking up the wooden passageway leading to the exorbitant lodge. Shadowed by swaying palm trees, London made his way inside the airy space after dusting off his feet. Walking directly into the bedroom area, he stopped and glared towards his husband sitting in the center of it.

"What do you think you're doing?" he said, startling the man.

Marbell looked up, fixing his glasses at the tip of his nose, caught red handed with his silver mini laptop. He was dressed in a white robe, brown hair still drying after his quick shower to wash the saltwater away. "Um," he stuttered a laugh, "I just needed to check my email real fast. I'm sorry."

London neared the bed and snapped the laptop shut, "You said no work while we're here. This is our anniversary vacation, we're supposed to be drinking champagne, walking naked on the beach, and having sex every hour on the hour, not checking emails and booking schedules. Isn't that what you hired that new assistant for, anyways?"

Marbell leaned back on his palms, sinking a little into the relaxed white comforter, and narrowed his gaze on London. "Don't be a hypocrite, now. You said you wouldn't pester Henry on and on about how the kids are doing. I heard you talking to him while I was in the shower."

At that, London nibbled his lip, and said, "Okay, sue me for wanting to check up on my babies. I mean, Henry may be twenty-one now and have experience, but looking after Joyce and four additional kids all under six could be a challenge for him."

"I'm sure he's doing fine," Marbell huffed.

London set the mini laptop aside, and crawled down onto the bed with a smirk. "I'm sure your assistant is doing a great job too."

Kissing Marbell's pink lips, London pulled the string keeping the robe closed, letting it splay open to reveal the man's clean naked body. Over the years, neither of them had changed much physically, the teacher still held on to his slim, small framed attributes. There was one difference about Marbell that had been encouraged by London just one year back. No longer a virgin to tattoos, Marbell had a small Roman numeral inscribed at his collar, an inscription marking the year he and London got married, and the tattooed boy was sure to get one to match.

Marbell lay there with a breathless smile on his face, yearning to have his husband's kiss all about his body, and it wasn't long until he could feel himself harden at the thought of what was to come next.

Quickly getting rid of the trunks he'd been wearing, London pressed his lips against the side of Marbell's throat, releasing a sigh at the manner his ass was grabbed. He grinded upon Marbell, stroking their cocks together when he felt a slew of covetous fingers trace down his center. "Mmm," he hummed, finding Marbell's tongue again when his taste buds acquired a need for his savor.

Reaching to the nightstand beside the bed, London lightly coated his fingers with a small amount of lube, working them around Marbell's entry before pushing them inside. The man sucked in a sharp take of air and bit down on his lip, back arching off the bed when London finally spread his legs and let himself in. Marbell couldn't control the strident moan that escaped him, but there was no need for him to keep it down out here. With nothing but the ocean waves to keep them company, the last thing Marbell had to worry about was someone hearing him.

Supporting himself with his hands pressed to either side of Marbell, London pumped into the man, vocal pleading for him to go harder or slower motivating his burning arousal. Coming up, London dragged his hands down Marbell's body, and wrapped a hand around his lover's cock, still continuing to stroke into him with passionate rotating hips.

When his dripping prick slipped from Marbell's being, the teacher rushed London, shoving the now twenty-six year old onto his back. He climbed on top, trapping the tattooed man on the mattress and he came down on London's cock, sending his mind into a frenzy when it struck the spot that drove him mad.

Marbell's glasses slipped from his face when he went for a kiss, their tongues merging as London drove into Marbell's core. His cock begged for release, "Fuck," he hissed back, lips wet and a hot pink after Marbell nibbled down on them.

"You fuck me so good, baby," Marbell whimpered out.

Hearing those words, London turned over onto Marbell, almost breaking the teacher's glasses. The head of his cock throbbed within the heat wrapped tight around it, and the moment he felt Marbell's hot nails scratch down the inked skull on his back, he hissed with his teeth gritted, feeling that the sting coupled with the pleasurable stroke of his thrusts was enough to blind him from the pain.

Giving all the energy he had left into Marbell, London kept at it until they both released the shot of cum trapped inside them. He felt the rapid vibrations in him begin to settle when he pulled out, and came down onto the bed beside Marbell's blushing form. He was out of breath and needed a minute to regain himself before he'd insist they go again. This was not only their anniversary, but also the first time all year where they had a few days to themselves, so what he wanted to do was make the most of it.

London loved being a parent to four children and his sister, but being able to take some time for him and Marbell was something he required every now and again. It was a basic need he had to fulfill.

When he could breathe regularly once more, London straddled Marbell's waist, biting his lip when he could feel the tip of the man's cock tease at his entry. He took Marbell's hand, kissing his knuckles before sucking on the finger in which his wedding ring sat. Allowing Marbell's hand to run down his body, London smirked seductively, and said, "Am I still pretty when I'm fucked, Daddy?"

Marbell sunk into his lover, causing an unsuspected moan to escape London's flushed lips. "I said you were beautiful."


How's about that for a close? I wanted to bring it full circle to be honest. This story was centered around sex in the beginning (because I'm a perv) so it only seemed appropriate to end it with such. Anyways, I hope this story lived up to what you all expected when first deciding to read it. I had so much fun writing this for you all. It's one of the fastest stories I've ever written, especially when it comes to minimal delays, and I am actually really proud of it. Let's see what else I can dish out!

Happily ever afters are just great, aren't they? :) xx.

Thank you for reading!

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