Chapter 12:

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This chapter is dedicated to @BunnieShawh Thank you for the comment on the earlier chapter. I'm glad you find Razel cool, but you're definitely cooler ;) :D


I tried to stay quiet, I really did.

Jason still seemed like he was in a bad mood, especially after having met my parents- then again, I'd had to put up with them my entire life, and let me tell you, it wasn't easy. Plus, after Jason's own revelation about his parents, I was pretty sure the last thing he wanted was to talk. But we were now in Central Gotham and not heading back towards the Manor. What can I say? My curiosity got the best of me.

"Where are we going?" I asked, trying to sound gentle. I'm not sure it entirely worked because Jason simply grunted in reply.

I sighed and slumped further in my seat. "So after I find out you're stalking me, let you take me to my parents' house and are completely rude to them, you're still giving me the cold shoulder?" I muttered.

The car came to an abrupt halt, throwing me forward. Luckily my seat belt was on. I turned to Jason to see his bright green eyes glaring at me again. "I wasn't stalking you."

"So you just happened to know my address, and my parents' for that matter," I retorted. "What do you call that then?"

"It's called research, sweetheart," he answered tersely, making it sound like 'sweetheart' was the opposite of an endearment. I was about to reply, but he caught me off by pointing a finger at me. "And before you say anything else, I was doing it for your protection. Think about that the next time you tell me I don't actually care."

My earlier words from when I woke up in his room came rushing back to me, and it confirmed that I had somehow hurt his feelings. Feeling really bad, I looked down on my lap and fidgeted with my hands. "Jason, I- I'm sorry," I began, my voice coming out in a low whisper. I was utterly embarrassed at my behavior, since I'd been raised to have better manners. Say what you will about my parents, but they brought me up to act like a proper lady. "I didn't mean that, I was just-"

The sound of the engine cutting off made me look up to see Jason no longer paying attention to me as he pulled his key out of the ignition. "Get out," he stated coldly, making me flinch at the tone of his voice. Fear once again gripped me. Surely, he wouldn't do this? Leave me somewhere and just go, right?

"I said, 'get out,'" he repeated, finally glancing up at me. There was no longer any emotion on his face again. He just seemed... defeated. And it was a lot worse, because seeing him like that made my heart feel like it was being crushed. I could take his stoicism, his anger, but his pain? No, I didn't like seeing him in pain.

"But I-"

He slammed his hand on the wheel, making me release a small shriek. I covered my mouth with my hand, all the while reminding myself that while Jason was dangerous, he had never harmed me. "God damn it, Razel!" He shouted in frustration. "Get out of the fucking car, so we can eat."

With that being said, he also opened his door and slammed it shut, leaving me in stunned silence as I remained inside the Porsche. Did he just say eat? Lowering my hand from my mouth, I glanced out my window to see we were parked at... Burger King. My stomach rumbled hungrily, only then making me realize I hadn't had lunch because I was unconscious. But Jason remembered. I could see him impatiently standing a few meters away, so I finally stepped out of the vehicle and followed after him.

He pressed his remote and locked the car, while I walked quietly behind him. He didn't glance back at me as we got inside the fast food chain, but he stopped to hold the door open for me. "Thanks," I mumbled sheepishly as I stepped in before him. He still didn't reply.

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