Chapter 20:

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This chapter is dedicated to @Cookie_Christie Thank you for all the votes you've given the book! It's people like you who keep me going and help me continue my writing <3


Kissing Razel was... just like heaven.

There were no other words or comparisons to be made.

Suddenly I didn't care about the mission tomorrow. Or the fact that I didn't train to face Shiva. I didn't even care about the prick Jared anymore. All I cared about was staying with Razel, her arms wrapped around me and her lips pressed against mine, still tasting like mint from when she brushed her teeth.

When she pulled away and her brown eyes met mine, I couldn't help the slow, lazy smile that made its way onto my face. I gently brushed her hair aside, still staring into those deep soulful eyes. "I think I'm falling in love with you, too," I admitted. "Though I'm not good with love and you're probably going to have to be very patient with me."

Razel sighed as her hand also came up to trace the contours of my face, making me shut my eyes in pleasure as her skin felt like silk against mine. "I can do that for you, Jason. Because you're worth everything."

"I'm not," I argued in a strangled voice, making her hand freeze when I opened my eyes. "I don't know how I ever deserved someone like you."

"I ask myself that same question every day," she replied, pulling her hand back and placing her palm against my chest. "Why can't you see what an amazing person you are?"

I smiled and hugged her tighter to myself, her head fitting perfectly under the crook of my neck as she snuggled deeper into my chest. "Maybe you just see something in me no one else can."

She snorted at that statement before replying. "I'm not the only one who sees it. Asteria does, too. Bruce also believes in you. I bet even Alfred and Tim do. You're the only one who's blind to your own awesomeness."

"Razel Anders, did you just call me awesome?" I teased, looking down at her. She wasn't looking at me, but I could see the color on her cheeks as she blushed.

"I couldn't think of a better word," she admitted sheepishly. "But you get the point."

Leaning back against the pillows, I shut my eyes as I continued my conversation with her. "If I'm a blind man, then you're going to have to be my guide."

I heard her yawn sleepily but nod her head against my chest. "I can be whatever you need me to be, Jason Todd."

"I need you to go to sleep and get some rest," I murmured in reply, slowly stroking her soft hair. "You must be tired from everything that happened today."

"Good night, Jason," she murmured sleepily back, not bothering to argue with me.

"Good night, baby," I replied just as her breathing became slower and more even. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep next to her, when I could feel her heartbeat next to my chest lulling me into a deep and peaceful slumber.


The next morning, I woke up snuggled with Jason on my bed. This is becoming quite the habit of ours. But as I watched his beautiful face, peaceful due to slumber, I didn't think I would mind waking up to this every day for the rest of my life. Whoa there, Anders. You're getting way ahead of yourself there. First, you have to make sure you live through today and break up with Jared.

At the thought of Jared, I felt a pang of guilt for allowing myself to be so close to Jason when I hadn't officially ended things with him. But at the same time, the thought of letting Jason go to battle without admitting my feelings for him scared me shitless. And the words just tumbled out of my lips last night right before I found myself kissing him.

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