Chapter 2

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-Chloe POV-

It got later and later and we were still driving. Me and Carl fell asleep still hugging each other. We woke up when the car jolted to a stop and there was a loud car horn. We looked out the window and saw a lot and I mean A LOT of cars. Mom and Shane got out the car. I followed as did Carl. We came up to three people. A really skinny women with short grey hair, a really fat mean looking man and a girl with a blondeish bob hair cut who looked a couple years older than me and Carl.

All the adults started talking and the girl came over to us.
"Hi. I'm Sophia. What's your names?", she said cheerily.
"I'm Carl. This is my sister Chloe", Carl introduced.
"Would you guys like to play checkers? We have a games board!"Sophia asked excitedly.
"I would love to"Carl said.
"I'll just watch"I replied.
"Okay. Come this way", she was leading us to the car I front of ours.
"Chloe, Carl, where are you going?", mom asked.
"To play checkers with Sophia", Carl said.
"And I'm gonna watch", I said.
"Okay. Stay with in my sight" she told us as we continued walking the sort distance.

We opened the car boot and sat on the edge and got the checkers stuff out, they then started playing.
"Carol, could you watch them while me and Shane try to figure out what's going on?", mom asked the grey haired lady, who I had now learnt was called Carol.
"Sure", she replied.
"Your guys dad seems really nice", Sophia told me and Carl.
"He's not our dad", Carl said, a slight frown forming on his and my face.
"Our dad is dead", I added.
"Oh", she said quietly,"I'm sorry".
"It's okay, you didn't know", I reassured her it was okay.

A couple minutes later, mom and Shane came back and were telling Carol and the fat guy, Ed, about how they are blowing up Atlanta, fire and everything. I yawned and mom noticed.
"Hunnie, if your tired you can go sleeping the car. It's probably better if you two both do until we get something sorted",mom directed at me and Carl.
"Okay, night mom", me and Carl replied, basically in sync.
"Night Clo. Night Carl". 

We both waved to Sohpia, then, me and Carl then walked to the car and sat in the back.
"I don't believe them that dad's dead. How could he be?", I told Carl.
"Me neither", he agreed. I yawned again. Carl came and sat next to me and put the blanket, that was conveniently lying on the floor, over both of us.
"Night night Carl. Hopefully we are not still in the car graveyard when we wake up".
"Night night Clo. I hope so to".

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