Chapter 7

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Prom night, a night to remember. From slow dancing to making out in the parking lot, it's theme was magical.

Instead of getting a limo like most, we took Glen's rusty old truck that has been passed down to her from her father.

We arrive at least 10 minutes late, entering with her arm over my shoulder. When we entered the gym, it was crowded with a bunch of couples dancing it out to some song I've never heard of before.

We casually made our wall to a few chairs near the back wall, Glen walking away to get us drinks. I sat down awkwardly, waiting for my friend to return. I searched the crowd with my eyes, looking for some people I might know.

The first I noticed was Peter of course, dancing and grinding with some red head cheerleader. Next I saw Eric, the guy who I almost had to kiss at Glen's Valentine party. He was dancing with his girlfriend, the two smiling and looking in each others eyes while his arms were around her waist.

I blushed, looking away. I wished that was Glen and I. Her arms around me and I starred into her eyes. A slow song would play and in the middle our heads would come forward to meet our-
"Claire?" Glen's voice woke me from my day dream, calling me back to see a glass being offered to me.
"Thank you." I say, flashing a smile before taking the drink from her.

I took a sip as she sat down besides me, crossing her legs and watching the crowd. It was a few moments of silence before she spoke again.
"Let's dance." She says, placing her drink down on the ground before standing up and offering a hand to me.
"What?" I asked, slightly baffled. She laughed softly.
"I said, let's dance. The decorations don't need fixing right now so we might as well enjoy ourselves. I mean, it is Prom after all." She takes me hand, dragging me to the dance floor.

She started dancing first, making weird movements to make me laugh. And laugh I did, joining in with her. It was fun, dancing here with her, her smiles and eyes shinned bright eve though the gym was dark.

After 20 minutes, the songs slowed from a fast pace to a slow melody; the people around us grabbing their partners close into an embrace as the rocked back and forth.

We stood awkwardly in the center of all the slow dancing, neither of us sure of what to do. I was about to speak up, saying we should go back to sit but she was quicker. She mocked a gentleman's bow, offering a hand to me.
"Madam, may I have this dance?" She said in a snobbish tone, looking back up at me and winking. I laughed, a sheepish smile on my face.
"Why I would be delighted." I played along, giving a curtsy and placing my hand in hers.

She pulled me in close, putting her arms around me as I put my arms over her shoulders. We started rocking back and forth like the rest, avoiding eye contact due to how close our faces were.

It was slow song after slow song, almost like they were telling me to speak up about my feelings. And that I did. Hesitantly, but I did.
"Claire-" we had spoke at the same time, our faces faced forward, looking into each others  eyes.
"Oh, you go first." I said
"No, go ahead." She said back, eager to hear what I had to say.
"Alright... Glen.. Uh, you remember that Valentine's party you threw.. We played spin the bottle..?"
"Yeah, of course. I kissed you." She said. It was hard for me to see her facial expression, so I decided to risk it.
"Well.. Did you, maybe, feel anything?"
"Anything? Like what?" I started to feel so stupid, I just wanted this to be over with!
"Like.. Butterflies." I say quietly, looking away.

For seconds she said nothing, I started to grow impatient to hear her answer. But when it took what felt like forever, I rushed it out.
"Look Glen, ever since that kiss I couldn't stop thinking about you. And not in the way I thought it would be. I like you, as in like like. I have a crush on you and I think I have for awhile now." I rushed all at once, regretting it soon after.

We had stopped slow dancing and her grip had loosened on me. If I couldn't read her expressions then, I could now. She was starring at me with her mouth parted slightly, obviously surprised to be hearing this. She still said nothing, making my heart start to fall.
"N-never mind." I say softly, backing away quickly and starting for the exit to the  parking lot.
"Wait! Claire!" I could hear her yell after me but I didn't stop. I couldn't face her right now, not with tears starting to fill my eyes.

I hurried out to the parking lot, finding myself heading straight to her car. This was probably the closest I would be to her after what I just did.

I leaned against the car hood, my back to the gym. My heart was pumping so fast I could only hear myself breath. My cheeks were went from tears dripping from my eyes, my make up most likely running.

I remember how I stood there thinking I probably made the biggest mistake of my life but little did I know, it was the biggest step to how my life changed for the best.

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