Chapter 8

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The more I stood outside by her truck, the more it grew cold. Goose bumps ran down my neck to my legs, a panic attack starting to form.

"How could I do this? On Prom night especially! I must have ruined her whole night, things are going to be weird..." I thought aloud, a hand over my clammy head.

It wasn't until momenta after I turned to leave that she came out the same exit I had, her jacket in hand.

"Claire." She called out to me catching my attention. I stopped were I was and hesitated before turning around. When I finally did she was only a few feet away, a soft smile on her face.

"Hey..." I refuse to meet eye contact, the goose bumps on my body growing bigger and my heart racing like crazy as I grew impatient to hear what she had to say.

"You're freezing. I told you, you should have brought a jacket." She snickers, I could tell she was teasing me, trying to lighten the mood. I say nothing, not even a tiny laugh even though I wanted to. I just remained starring down at the ground wishing she would just say something, anything!

Her tone dials down on the cheerfulness and she steps forward, wrapping her jacket over my shoulders before walking past to the truck. She hopes in the drives seat and leans over to open the passenger door.

"Hop in, we're taking a little ride." She says as she starts up the engine. I look up to see she was watching, waiting for me to hop in. A small smile crossed her face when my eyes met hers, she patted the seat gently, motioning me to come. And that I did.

With on hand, I held her jacket close to me as I used the other to pull me up into the truck, shutting the door and buckling tight as she started to backed out of the parking lot and took over at 35 per mile down the quite road.

I waited maybe 10 or 15 minutes before speaking up finally.

"Are you taking me home?" I ask, noticing the direction we were going. We would be driving past my house soon.

"You'll see." She says simply, not even giving me hints to where she was taking me. After asking at least 3 times where we were heading and getting the same reply over and over, I finally stopped and just watched everything go by as we drove past my house, the supermarket; hell, I think we had just felt town at this point.

I nearly started to fall asleep when I heard her breaks squeak to a stop. Opening my eyes I saw a huge neon sign that read "Denny's".

"Why did you'd you bring us to a Denny's at-" I look at the clock, "nearly 12 o'clock at night?" I ask slightly a baffled.

"We need to talk about things, and I know you won't really like serious conversations. You get nervous and jump to conclusions or even worse, you run from it. So, I'm bribing you with food. Now come on, Claire Bear." She smiles to me before jumping out of the car, taking the keys with her, leaving me in the car thinking over all the ways she would let me down easy.

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