Chapter 7

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Ceelas POV:

The next morning I woke up to the screaming of Ashton. I rubbed my eyes,and looked up at him as he danced around the room in only shorts.

"What are you so happy about?" I asked sleepily. He stopped and jumped up on top of me.

"You'll never guess who's going touring!" He yelled. I chuckled and pointed at him. He bit my finger and hopped off of me and continued dancing around. I got up and started dancing around with him jumping around his room before he threw me over his shoulder and ran outside.

"Ashton, where are you going?!" His mum yelled after us as he rushed out of the door.

"Luke's place!" I yelled back and he threw me into his car and got into the drivers seat.

"Call Cal and say that we'll be there in five" He yelled out orders and told me to warn Mikey and Luke too.

"I'm on it" I mumbled as I dialed their numbers.

As we got to Lukes place we had Calum and Michael loaded in the backseat. I jumped out of the car and flung his front door open.

"LUKE!" I yelled and he came running from upstairs. Soon the boys barged in too. We flung ourselves on his coach. Me and Ashton grinning at each other.

"Guess what just happened!" I yelled out.

"Ehm you and Ashton got sum?" Calum asked earning a punch from Ashton and a finger from me. I looked over at Ashton who still didn't have a shirt on and froze. I looked down and saw my body only covered by a small Winnie the Poh shirt and my black underwear. I blushed and pulled the shirt down as far as I could. The boys chuckled.

"Mind getting her some clothes Luke?" Ashton asked. Luke helped me up and pulled me upstairs with him, in the corner of my eye I saw Michael frowning... hadn't he been quite quiet today?

Luke opened the door and I walked into his room. He had deep blue walls and laminate floor. His bed was messy and clothes laid spread across the floor. A pretty normal teenage room for a boy. Except for the two guitars that hung from the walls. He walked to his closet and threw a pair of joggers on my lap. He then turned to face me:

"Anything else?"

"Yeah can I have a tee?" He looked strangely at me. I looked down on my hands, embarrassed.

"I ain't wearing a bra" I mumbled.


"I ain't wearing a bra" I repeated.

"What, I am sorry but I can't hear you" He said with a smirk.

"I DON'T WEAR A BRA! OK?!" I yelled and rose quickly. He just laughed at me.

"Geez Cee! I heard you the first time" He teased and threw me a shirt. I stood up and pushed him out of his room.

"What it's my room" He chuckled.

"Well I am getting changed"

"I just don't see why I can't be here" He winked at me. I pointed my finger towards the door.

"Well aren't you pushy" He muttered with a crooked smile but left me alone in the room. I quickly got changed before stumbling downstairs to the rest. Luke were standing completely still, frozen. While the rest attacked me and embraced me with a group hug. When they went crazy and jumped around Michael grabbed my shoulders and kissed me, he spun around with me in his arms and threw me onto the couch before joining the other boys. I just giggled it away. Eventually the boys all calmed down and one by one sat down onto the floor. Michael sat down next to me on the coach.

"Wait shouldn't we be somewhere?",I asked as I came to realization. I looked at Michael who groaned. The boys all showed their disgrace.

"Ouh my God" Calum muttered and got up, he helped Luke up from the floor. Ashton banged his head on the carpeted floor. I also got up but Michael pulled me down and hugged me tight.

"Can't we skip class today?" He questioned. The boys all smiled and pulled up their phones and dialed their schools.

"WAIT!" I shouted and they all stared at me.

"We're gonna need to team up on our stories" I explained and Ashton were quick to come up with an idea.

So we all called our offices and explained how Ashton crashed his cousins dad's car to a tree, but we didn't get a scratch but are staying under the observation of a doctor during the day. They bought it. We made ourselves breakfast while thinking of plans on what to do. I were getting rather exited as the good-girl that I am.

Two hours later we were all unloading ourselves out of a bus. I hadn't taken the bus in two years as Ashton usually drove me around but Calum had decided to invite his girly meaning we wouldn't fit into the car. Besides, I actually missed busses. The clock was around 12 and the sun was shining brightly in the middle of the sky. I looked down at my rather pale legs which had a numerous of hairstraws poking out. I sighed and laid down on the blanket the boys spread out on the beach. The beach was beautiful, white and km long. Five bodies dropped down next to me. I cuddled myself on the closest one. I heard a girly giggle.

"She's a cuddler" I heard Mike and Ashton say in unison. The hole group burst out laughing.

"But you wouldn't mind Laura, wouldn't you?" I asked and did my best attempt to puppy eye her. She just laughed at me.

"Of course not" She replied.

A well hour later chilling out was getting kinda bored, besides it was rather windy and chilly. We all decided to go for a swim.

"Last one in is a rotten egg!" I exclaimed and ran towards the sea. I felt how I was being pushed around between a numerous of sun heated bodies before I hit the sand, tripping over someone.

"Oh shit! Cee I'm so so-" I heard Mikey say, I laughed at him. He was so cute. I jumped onto him kissing him before running out into the water. I threw myself into the water and soon someone stumbled over me. I quickly returned to the surface. I looked over at Michael laying in the water shivering.

"Karma's a bitch" I laughed before helping him up.

"Well you got that one right" He said and kissed me. I let myself fall into the water and he broke the kiss.

"Yeah I think she is" I said and got up, running to the rest.

"HEY YOU CAN'T REVENGE REVENGE!" He yelled after me.

"I think yes!" I yelled back before I dove into the water, swimming the last bit to them.

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