Chapter 3

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Ceelas POV:

I were sleeping soundly on the blanket with my head on Lukes lap. It was freezing outside as it was closing in on midnight. Only thing actually holding us warm was each other. I smiled as I felt Luke poke my cheek for the hundredth time.

"Be careful or you might give me a dimple" I mumbled sleepily and turned my back to him. Soon I could hear whispering from the boys.

Michaels POV:

We had been sat here for ages. It started to get rather boring, all I really did was stare at Luke poking Ceelas cheek.

"When are we going home?" Luke asked. We should be going home soon so that no ones parents get worried.

"Soon" I mumbled and looked up at the stars. They were shining brightly, alone on the sky. Only with the moon and themselves as company. Suddenly Luke looked at us and bit his lip. He explained his plan to us and we lot grinned as approvement. We cleared the blanket we were sitting on and rolled Ceela to the middle.

"Ceela, we are going to take you home now so you'll have to lay completely still" Ashton said kissing her cheek. We lifted her up and walked across the park. The cold breeze was hitting my arms as we walked but I didn't mind. After all who were I to complain after what we were to do to her?

When we finally got to the pond in the middle we all looked at each other.

"1" We swung her to the back.

"2" We swung forward.

"And..." We swung her backwards and then when we all screamed:

"3!" We released our grip and watched her crack the water surface. Her face was priceless. She quickly got up to the surface and grabbed edge, coughing violently. I felt kinda bad for throwing her in now and helped her up. She laughed crazily.

"That was fun" She said as she shivered. I hugged her rubbing her arms up and down trying to get her warm. I put my sweater around her and gave her cheek a peck.

"Come on, I'll walk you home" Ashton said and put his arm on her shoulder. I sighed and looked at Luke.

"Shall we keep company?" I asked and looked towards our street.

"Yeah sure" He replied and waved to Calum.

"See you later bro" He said and waved back to Luke. I said my goodbye too and off we went. We walked in silence until my house could be seen in the horisont. Then Luke spoke.

"So you and Ceela..." He started, immediately getting my attention.

"Are you a thing now?" He asked at last. We never said anything to each other about being "a thing" we just were. But at the same moment I didn't know. Like sure we kissed more than twice but were we a thing just because of that? Just then my phone buzzed in my pocket and I picked it up.


Hi Mike, I never got to say goodbye so I took your number from Ashton. So yeah, bye xx/C

I smiled at the text and saved her number while answering Luke:

"I really think we are" I said and smiled to myself.

"Good for you mate" He said and smiled widely to me. But the little crack in his voice when he said it revealed to me that something was wrong. But he ran away before I had time to ask what. I sighed and continued my way home.

Ceelas POV:

I were shivering when the cold wind hit my soaked shirt. All though Michaels sweater and Ashtons body were quite warming. I cuddled closer to Ashtons chest and gave him a little squeeze. He patted my head and pushed me away.

"This is my stop" He smiled at me flashing his dimples. I smiled and mouthed a thank you and continued my walk.

When I got to my door I heard something crash towards the front door. I took my hand of the handle and wondered what the actual frick was happening. I opened the door even though the treath of having a army javelins throwing fine chineese porslin at me. I walked in and walked towards the noise. It was mum and dad. They were yelling and throwing things. I had two options: Saying "Hi" and interrupting or awkwardly walk past and pretend like nothing ever happened. I chose the second option. I sneaked past them to my room on the second floor. I threw myself onto my bed and pulled my covers above my head and slowly fell asleep.

The next day I woke up with Ashton, Luke, Calum and a very zombie-ish Michael by my bed. I rolled over to my back and spread my arms and legs out.

"Leave? Please?" I mumbled and gathered my blanket around me again. They just sat down on my bed, or on me.

"Guys, I sleep in my nudes now get out" I muttered sleepily. They just laughed and pulled some jokes about it. I sighed and pushed them off of me getting to my closet grabbing a shirt and underwear still hiding underneath my blanket, getting changed. I uncovered myself to find my room empty so I returned to my bed. Just as I got comfy Michael popped his head in.

"Hello bebs" He smiled at me.

"Hola" I greeted him making some room on my bed. He just laughed.

"If you get me down you ain't getting me back up" He said. I sighed and got up and rubbed my head. I hugged him and jumped up in his arms. He carried me downstairs, dropping me on a chair and pushing some cheerio's in my face.

"Eat" Luke said with his mouth full. I obeyed and ate with the rest of the boys.

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