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Sensational food found their way to my mouth as I chomped down on the delicious chicken strips I had ordered while being out with some friends, which included Jenn, Ricky, Connor, Jc, Trevor, Sam and Angelina. I haven't hung out with anyone for awhile, it's been nice to catch up with some old time friends like we use to.

"Kian!" Jc shouted.

"What?" I asked, shrugging nonchalantly as I pretended nothing was wrong.

"Stop throwing shit at me!"

I rolled my eyes, he couldn't possibly be angry at me for throwing a french fry at him, and if he is mad, then that is fairly babyish for a twenty one year old like him. I continued eating my food and eavesdropping on everyone's conversations while finishing up my chicken.

"Are we getting ice cream?" Angelina asked once she noticed I had consumed my whole meal.

"Frozen yogurt sounds really nice right now." I hinted.

"I asked about ice cream, Kiki." She replied with a smile on her face.

"Yeah, let's get frozen yogurt." I said, standing up from the booth, although I was trapped between Jc and Jenn.

"You're lucky we all love you, or I'd be devouring some delicious ice cream right now." Angelina addressed, grabbing her phone from the middle of the table.

"Ha, you have to pay for the meal Angie!" I shouted, pointing an accusing finger at her.

"Shit." She muttered, fumbling with the opening of her purse. I laughed at her undeniably frustrated facial expression before putting my hand on top of hers, I glanced into her eyes and gave her an assuring smile.

"I'll help pay, it's the least I could do since I'm dragging everyone out to frozen yogurt."

"Thank you, Kian."

"I don't know what the point in playing that phone in the middle game if Angelina isn't even going to pay for the whole bill." Connor muttered.

"It was your idea to do that." Jc reminded.

"Yeah, because I didn't feel like paying and I knew that I could last without my phone for the whole meal."

"Well, you're not paying so calm down."

I took a deep breath, "Seriously guys!? What is your fucking problem!? You're fighting over the stupid bill when you're not the ones paying for it, and it's frustrating me. This is the first time I've been out of the house to hang out with friends in over two weeks and you're honestly going to bicker about the fucking bill!?"

I didn't mean to lash out on the two boys sitting beside me, but I haven't had very high tolerance these past days, so listening to grown adults fight about the bill that has been paid already, pisses me off.

"Sorry, Kian." Connor muttered, gazing down at his lap looking ashamed, which he deserved to be.

I pulled out two twenties from my back pocket before handing them to Angelina, so she could act as if she was actually paying the whole bill herself.

"Did everyone enjoy their meal?" The waiter asked while he came around to collect the bill. Cheerful nods made their way around the table as everyone silently answered his question.

"That's good to hear, hope you have an amazing evening."

"You too!" Angelina chirped happily before scooting her way out of the booth and standing in front of the table to wait for the others.

"I think I'm going to head home... I'm not feeling too well and I've got to go visit Ryley tomorrow, so I think I'll be going to bed." I stated, fumbling with my hands as I stayed sitting on the booth waiting for an answer.

"Are you sure? Frozen yogurt is your favorite, you do need a break from all the stress, Kiki... before you break."

"Angie, I'll be fine... I promise. I'm just... it's uh my stomach, I'm not feeling up to any frozen treats right now, I'm sorry." I apologized quite quickly, grabbing my keys and sprinting out of the restaurant before anyone had the chance to chase after me.

Once arriving at my car, I opened the driver side door with ease and slipped into the seat promptly buckling up afterwards. I rested my head on the steering wheel like I've done so many times before, and the melodic voice of Ryley could not be erased from my mind as I remembered the light in her eyes when she talked earlier today, she seemed so happy. Frankly, I'm ecstatic, for she has continued to fight and never once gave up. Someone as breathtaking and marvelous as Ryley deserves to be on this planet as much as the next person.

I plugged the auxiliary chord into the headphone jack of my phone and shuffled the playlist Ryley had made on my Spotify, Ghost by Halsey immediately blared through my car speakers, reminding me of the last time I had listened to this song with my best friend. Both her and I were on some kind of sugar high, we played this song through her Bluetooth speaker and started jumping from the two hotel beds at Playlist-Live, and we were in fits of laughter after I had fallen off the bed.

I decided upon tweeting something out to my followers before heading home, for they deserved to know my whereabouts after I had left them hanging for far too long.

@KianLawley: I listen to songs that remind me of you .

There was no lie in my words, for the songs I've been listening to only remind me of her. While backing out of the parking lot, I hummed along to the songs and continued to do so when I headed down the main road toward the house. Imagining the cold, lonely bed that was awaiting me at home made my stomach sick, and soon enough it would not be my imagination, but strictly reality. Before long, I'll be able to wrap my arms around Ryley's skinny frame and I'll feel her warm breath on my bare chest as she falls asleep.

Ryley is my angel, but she doesn't wear any wings, only a heart that can melt my own and she gives me presents with her presence alone. She gives me everything I could wish for. She's busy changing the world, but she has succeeded in changing mine with a single smile from her outstanding lips.

That Broken Boy |♔| Kian LawleyWhere stories live. Discover now