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"I was thinking..." I began, "What if you and I did something really cool, you know since you graduated we should do something really special, something that will make a lot of memories."

She stared at me, still playing with my hair and we have been laying on the floor of my room for a few hours now, "What do you suggest?"

I smirked and grabbed her hand, laying our intertwined fingers on my chest, "Well," I looked over at her and smiled, "Promise to be open minded? Please?"

She giggled, "Yes, Kian. I'll be open minded."

"Okay, well. Here's what I was thinking. Road trip, but a long one across the country. We could visit almost every state and we could vlog it, make it a series and call it Road Trip USA or something like that. We each have a camera, you could start a YouTube channel and every hotel we stop at you could make a video or something! We could go sight seeing for a day in the place we stay at, maybe have a small meet and greet and then go to the next place. I think it would be fun, it could be something to remember. Something we could tell our kids," I explained.

"Our kids?" She questioned playfully.

"My kids, and your kids. I mean, not our kids, but you know what I mean."

She grinned, "When would we leave?"


She nodded, "Let's do it!"

After both of us had gotten home yesterday, while Ryley was unpacking the rest of her stuff that we had brought from her mother's house, I had the time to talk to the boys about changing the supplies closet in the hallway into an art cave for her. They all agreed, and I wished we weren't leasing this place or I would have allowed her to paint the walls like she wanted.

"I have a surprise for you," I whispered in her ear and her head perked up immediately at the sound of the word. Her relationship with the word 'surprise' was a love-hate type, because she loved the thrill, but hated when she had to wait for them.

"What are you waiting for? Come on, get off the ground and show me!"

I rolled my eyes and stood up from the ground, leading her down the hallway to the walk in closet. She looked at it curiously before I motioned for her to open the door, and when she did, boy did I wish I recorded the way her eyes lit up.

"Are you fucking serious right now!?" She exclaimed, her jaw dropping and hands flying up to cover her mouth, "Oh my god, wow," she mumbled and stepped into the room.

"I thought it would be cool if you could come here and paint when you felt like getting away from the world every once and awhile."

"It's amazing, I love it and I love you."

Suddenly, we heard Connor shouting for us to come downstairs and we rushed down there only to see Trevor and Sam sat together tightly on the couch with the rest of the boys in the house. Connor was sitting on the coffee table in front of the couch and I looked at everyone confused, but Trevor seemed to be the only one who knew what was going on.

"Uh, what's going on?" Ryley asked, sitting next to Connor on the table who was crying. I was very confused, it was rare that he cried.

"C-Can I talk to you guys?"

"Anytime, we're all always going to be here for you con," Ricky told him and everyone nodded in agreement.

"I just, I don't want you guys to hate me," he said.

"No one sitting here could ever hate you Connor, never ever ever. You're family."

Ryley wrapped her arms tightly around Connor, which made him feel a little more comfortable. He melted under her touch and just began sobbing, the sight made anyone feel horrible and they had no clue what was going on.

That Broken Boy |♔| Kian LawleyWhere stories live. Discover now