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Elsa's pov.

Ugh. Just another day of school. I was hoping to wake up and time skip to summer. Too bad that that isn't invented yet.

Anyways... I'm Elsa Winters. Just another girl in school nobody really notices. Really. Nobody. I only have one friend, Merida,  other than my sister, Anna.

I just turned eighteen this year, so, I can be the legal guardian of my sister.

Anna's 17 but she was born in late summer so she is in the same grade as me.

Did I not tell you? My parents just died a month or two ago from a car crash. So, yeah, it's just me and Anna now. Just the two of us alone.

Occasionally Merida would come over, but I usually go to her house. Anna is super popular. She is friends with literally ever girl in school! And the
boys... well, let's just say they are all crazy about her, even though she is with a boy named Kristoff.

I like Kristoff. He's cool. I know he won't hurt Anna. He didn't officially ask Anna to be his girlfriend yet but they have been 'together' for a while.

Every day I walk Anna to her locker and it would be filled with love notes from all the boys in the school. I didn't really mind that. I'm not really into dating.

Today I woke up early. I took my time getting dressed in my skinny jeans and and plain white crop top.

I never really get dressed like this for school. I usually wear a sweat shirt and sweat pants, but today I just felt the urge to dress nicer. So I did.

I put my hair in the usual braid and put on pink chap stick.  I don't always wear make up. I never really wanted to.

At 8:25 I woke up Anna. She always wakes up with her messy strawberry blonde hair. I laugh every time she wakes up and says "ELSA WAKE UP!". Which she does a lot.

"I'll make break fast meet me down in ten." I said to her.

I make breakfast and dinner for us everyday. We always have school lunch and on weekends we go out to eat.

I go down stairs and make some peanut butter sandwiches. Anna walks into the dinning room all perky and asks -

"Elsa are you excited for school today?"

She asks me that everyday and my usual answer is-

"heck no."

She laughs and takes her sandwich.  We eat and make our way to the school.

"It's me and Kristoff's 11th month anniversary. Almost a year! Isn't he amazing?" She asked breaking the silence.

"Sure." I answer not really caring.

"Why am I even talking about this to you?" She said in disappointment "You never talk about boys with me. "

"I'll talk about boys with you."

"Sure you will." She said sarcastically.

We finally got to school and walked to Anna's locker. We put all the love letters in her bag. She likes reading them on her bad days. We say good bye and made our separate ways to our classes. It's the last couple weeks of school. It's almost over.

Thinking about summer and waking to my class at the same time was a bad idea. Or was it a good one? I dreamt on about summer and I feel a throbbing pain in my shoulder. I look up and apparently I bumped into a new student.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" I apologize. I look closer at him. "Jack Frost." I say.

That's Jack Frost! Silver white hair, deep blue eyes, and a smile that makes my heart melt.

Wait! What? No. I don't have a crush on him. Not at all.

We had the same class in 2nd grade. He was really depressed because both his parents died and he had no one. He stayed with one of the teachers until he got adopted. At the end of the year he did. But he had to go to a different school. I don't know where. But what is he doing here? Now?

He looks deep in my eyes and says "Elsa!"

He had a big smile on his face and he looked like he was trying to hold it in. I laugh at the funny face he made and so did he. I saw his class schedule on the floor and I pick it up and looked at his classes.

"We have all the same classes!" I cheer.

"Nice." He said looking at the paper. "Then I guess I'll see you around." He winked at me and made his way to his locker.

He's cute... No!

Jacks pov

Elsa Winters. I remember her.

Beautiful, crystal, deep blue eyes and beautiful platinum blond hair that matched her even paler skin.

In Pre-K 4 - second grade she had such a big heart. She always helped everyone cause she finished first all the time. She was also really nice to me and we played at recess together sometimes.

I didn't have lots of friends in second grade. Just a nerdy, funny boy named Hiccup and my best friend Charlie, but he died and I came back down to the state for his funeral.

People always made fun of my white hair.

I hear the bell and make my way to class. I usually skip classes, but I'm looking forward to seeing Elsa.

I don't know why, but I always feel calm around her.

HELLO! Chapter one, DONE! Srry for any grammar or spelling that I did wrong I tried to make sure everything was perfect for my readers!

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