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Elsa's pov

I'm laying in bed watching My Little Pony. What? It's my favorite show.

Right when Pinky Pie realizes that her fellow ponies aren't throwing her a birthday party I get a text message. From an unknown number.

Unknown: I thought we were great.
But you don't know my trait
That I will try
To make you cry
Now that you don't feel the same
Now go and cry
And say good bye
To your boyfriend, that's a shame.

Is this a threat? But why? And from who? I guess I should probably tell Jack when he comes to see me after school.

My stomach is feeling better already but I honestly don't want to have to walk in class late. It attracts too much attention.

I got a call from the school.

"Hello?" I call.

"Hi, is this Elsa Winters?" The office lady asks.

"Yes, may I ask why you're calling?"

"Yes, your sister, Anna Winters, is sick in the clinic and she was wondering if you were able to pick her up."

Anna? Sick? Anna doesn't get sick. Something else must have happened.

"Yeah, I'm on my way."

"Okay great."

I hung up and got ready to go in the car. I was still in pjs and didn't brush my hair. I brushed my hair and teeth then I put a white shirt on and put on my favorite navy jacket. I slid some light wash jeans on and hopped in the car.

When I got to the school I asked the front office lady for Anna.

"Hi, I'm here for Anna Winters." I said nicely.

"And you are?"

"Elsa Winters. Her sister and legal guardian." I explained.

"Do you attend this school?" She asked.

Goodness this lady and questions.


"May I ask why you aren't here?"

I'm not liking her already.

"I'm sick." I say with an attitude.

"You don't look sick. That would be an unexcused absence." She said typing it in the computer.

"Actually I have the 504 card so all my absences are excused, thank you." I say still sassy. "And I don't need your judgment to prove whether or not I'm not well." (A/N I'll explain 504)

She looked shocked. Obviously I won this match. She rolled her eyes and edited her computer work.

She went on the phone.

"Anna Winters for early dismissal." She called in the intercom.

When Anna came out and we got in the car I asked-

"So why are you really coming home?"

"I had an algebra test I forgot to study for." She explains simply.

I huff and roll my eyes then start the car and make our way toward our house.

"You have to make sure you have all your makeup work to do on Thursday tomorrow. You won't be able to o to school all day so you can take car of me and drive to and from the surgery." I remind her.
"Yeah yeah. Can't Jack do all that?"
"Maybe. But you still have to be there for me. And if Mer can, that would be great too."

Mer knows. She's really sweet about it, too.

Punzie's pov

I'm on my way to lunch period and I see Jack Frost in the hallway. No sign of Elsa or Anna.

"Jackie!" I scream childly and hug him. "I've been looking for you all day." I pout. "We should sit at lunch together!"

I don't give him a chance to answer before I grab his arm and pull him into the cafeteria and to the nearest lunch table.

I pull out my lunch and start eating.

"Are you eating today, Jackie?"

"No, I'm too worried for Elsa, to eat. She's out sick today." He says with pain in his eyes. Huff.

"You do know what's wrong with her, right?" I turn his head to face me.

"No..." He questions.

"Well she-"

"Rapunzel?!" A Scottish accent says.

"Uh. Yeah?" I asked asked ticked off. It's Merida.

"What're you doing here?"

"My parents just moved back here from Corena."

"Oh. Well Jack, the art teacher wants you in her room." Merida explains to Jack.

"Okay. I guess I'll go. See you, Mer." He says.

Why didn't he say goodbye to me? And give me a hug?

Hey guys! Big hint in this chapter!

⭐️504 card is a card that lets you eat in all your classes and allows you to use as many bathroom passes as you need and also you can add a bunch of stuff too, like extra class work days and it pretty much excuses her from everything that needs to be excused. But there's one catch...
You need a reason to have it.
What's Elsa's reason? ⭐️

Hans is threatening them? What will happen?!

AHHHHHHHHHH so many hints and we are getting so close!
Well that's all for now.

Bye bye my diamonds!💎

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