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Anna's pov

"What are you thinking about?" Kristoff asked.

"There's a big petition in California all summer. I wish I could go." I sigh.

"One day, we're going to get married and I will take you to California. I promise." He held my hand.

"Thanks, Kris." I smile. "Holy shoot balls! It's 9:00! I told Elsa I would be back at 8:00! Why didn't she text me?"

I look through my phone and no texts from Elsa. "That's weird." I say to myself.

"What?" He asks.

"Elsa didn't text me anything. I guess I should be going now. Can you drive me home?" He nods and I kiss him on the cheek then make my way out of the house with him following me.

Hopefully she won't get mad at me for being so late...

Elsa's pov

"Where is Anna?!" I say to myself.

Jack left an hour after we went to ice cream. It's 9:00 and I told her to be home at 8:00!

Finally at 9:10 Kristoff's car came by and dropped Anna off. When Anna came in the house we had a nice calm conversation.

"ANNA, WHAT THE FRICK?! YOUR AN HOUR AND TEN MINUTES LATE! I've been texting and calling you!"

Maybe not so nice or calm....

"Sorry. We lost track of time. I didn't get any calls..."

I take her phone and investigate. She's right. No calls. I investigate more and-

"Your phones on airplane mode." I growl. "Anna, when I tell you a curfew you have to follow it. Rules are what keep our small household together!"

"Okay. Sorry." She sighs out and eats the leftover chicken nuggets in the kitchen.

"Goodness..." I sigh under my breath.

Wednesday morning

Huff. Today I can only eat liquid food like jello or soup broth. I can't eat anything solid for the surgery tomorrow. I guess I should probably go to school today cause I won't be going tomorrow.

I get up and get ready. I grab a black tee shirt that says 'Fall Out Boy' aka the best band EVER. And put on white jeans. I do my normal braid and then go down stairs to make 'breakfast'.

I poor cereal for Anna and grab a jello for me. This is going to be a long starving day. I packed my things and when we were done Kristoff came to pick Anna up and I took my own car.

When I got to the school I went straight to my locker. A hand went on my shoulder and I automatically thought it was Jack. I turn around and say-

"Hey Ja- Hans?" Instead of Jacks white-sliver hair and adorable smile I see... Well... Hans.

"Hey Elsa! I have something to show you. Come with me." He said his heart not skipping a beat before he grabbed my arm and took me outside the school.

"Uh Hans? Can this wait till after school. The first bell is going to ring." I say pulling back but he keeps his hold.

"No!- I mean, it will only take a second." He changes his voice in between. Strange.

"Uh okay..."

He takes me to his car. Then he unlocks the front door and takes out a soda.

"Here Elsa. Drink this." He gestures.

"Uh, your making me late because of a Coke..?" I question.

"It's not just any Coke. Trust me, drink it."

I take it out of his hand and take a sip.

"It tastes normal- uhhoop. It's got an after taste..."

Uff. The after taste is strong. Very strong. And it tastes horrible. It's giving me a head ache. My vision is turning black.

"What... Did you... Put... In this Coke?" I manage to speak out before I fall into a dark sleep.

The last thing I felt was strong hands shoving my body into a small space. And I heard the engine roaring in my ears.

All my senses shut down.

Hey guys! I have a few important things to say so I will make a chapter about it.

I'm so sorry about the small chapter! It's just I got writers block and I was worried about the small amount of time left- blah blah blah I'll explain that in the next chapter.

Anyways! Read the next authors note!

Comment, like, and don't forget to be a unicorn.

Bye bye my unicorns!🦄

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