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Elsa's pov

He asked. I was afraid of this. I'm afraid of this all the time.

I'm afraid of special treatment, or people holding back. I'm afraid of people checking on me 24/7.

The difference between me and most other people is what scares me.

I'm not ready to tell him. I'll tell him...


I pause the movie.

"Jack, I'm going back to the office because... I'm getting a surgery."

He seemed mad at first. But not angry mad at me. But mad at the fact. But then he seemed sympathetic.

He doesn't ask "why?" Or "what about?". He just smiles and puts his arm around my shoulder side hugging me.

He keeps me under his arm and we continue watching the movie.


I wake up and Jacks not here. He probably went home last night after I fell asleep.

I feel bad. Like... Really bad.

I think I'm going to throw up.

I run to the bathroom and sit next to the toilet. I'm still not throwing up. But I feel like it.

I probably shouldn't go to school today. I would hate to throw up in front of my class. I text Jack.

Me: hey babe. I'm not going to school today. Not feeling well.
Jack: sorry your not well. I'll come check on you after school. Feel better❤️
Me: thanks❤️

Oh shoot! I forgot! Punzie is here. I can't leave them two alone!

"ANNAAAAAAA?!" I tell from my room.

"What?!" She comes worried.

"I have a mission for you." I pretended to be serious.

She nods her head, also serious, then looks out the door to gives me an 'all clear' sign.

"I need to you watch watch Jack and make sure he doesn't flirt with any girls? Okay? I'm not gonna go to school today." I say like a commander and chief. 

"You got it!" She says and salutes. I do the same.

Today is going to suck.

Jacks pov

Today is going to suck.

Elsa isn't coming?! I'm gonna be all alone. Well, not really. Cause Anna, Kristoff, Hic and Mer are going to be there, but it still won't be the same.

I drove to school and blah blah blah.

When I go into school I find Hiccup.

"Hey dude." I call.


"Where's Merida?" I ask. As we open our lockers.

"She went to the bathroom." He said simply.

A blue paper note drifts out of my locker. I reach down and begin to read.

'I told you to go.
But oh no no no
You decided to stay
And be in my way
Watch your step
Cause I've got the rep
To take your life away.'

It was from Charlie- errr- Hans.

"What's that, bud?" Hiccup asks.

"Nothing." I crumble the paper and throw it back in my locker.

We both stop cause we hear-

"WHAT DO YOU THINK DOING?" In a Scottish accent. Merida. In a fight.

"You think you can just go around a do whatever you'd like?!" She punched him in the face. Then walked away like it was nothing.

"Hey, Hiccup." She said and kissed his cheek.

"What happened?" He asked pointing to the boy holding his cheek.

"He put his shoulder around me. But don't worry it's aaaaall fiiiiiine." Merida is such a weirdo.

I laugh at my thought.

"Let's walk to class." I command and we start walking.

"Jackie!" I hear a girl say in a childish voice. Rapunzel.

"Heeeey, Punzie." I say and stop my friends.

"I was wondering if you could show me to the principles office?" She asks batting her eyelashes.

"Uh, sure. I'll meet up with you guys in class." They nod and walk to our first period.

I start to walk with Punzie and she tries grabbing my arm to hold it but I shrug it off. Then Anna runs around the corner.

"HEY RAPUNZEL!" Anna says almost fakey excited.

"Oh hey Anna..." Punzie says weirded out.

"Where you going?" Anna asks suspiciously.

"Jack was just showing me to the office-" she gets cut off.

"ILL SHOW YOU TO THE OFFICE!" Anna yells and pulls Punzie away.

I guess I'll to class then.

Today is going to suck.


I DIDNT TELL YOU THE SECRET! Ha. I didnt think it was time yet😆

Tell me what you think.

11 days till Christmas


Ily all so much and thank you for reading! Don't forget to like this and have a great week!

Bye bye my snowflakes!❄️

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