Dead body I think no.

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Disclaimer: I do not own teen wolf it is not mine the only person who is mine is shayla and her family otherwise all of it belongs to Jeff Davis.

Tomorrow is the first day of sophomore year! I can't wait. I'm Shayla Matthews I'm 16 and I live in beacon hills, my mom's a deputy I only live with my mom, my dad left when I was 10, I am mixed so that makes me permenatly tan my mom is mixed to that's where I get it from my dad was a quarter. my bestfriends are Scott Mcall and stiles stilinski , along with Lydia Martin I have known them sense I was 3 Lydia use to be my neighbor and Scott and stiles mom's know my mom so Yea.

I'm currently in my room picking out an outfit, I chose a Starbucks shirt with my black docs and a cardig that's black with Aztec prints and waist high shorts. As I set the outfit on my desk I hear something downstairs. I grab my tazer and walk down stairs, what my mom's a deputy so. When I get downstairs I hear nothing until I hear a loud bang from the kitchen I walk in there and see nothing. I turn on the light and out of No where stiles pops up causing me to scream and taze him.

"Oh God Stiles what the hell Scott what are you guys doing?!?" I scream.

"Holy... shay you just tazed the shit out of stiles." Scott says helping stiles after he recovers he looks at me.

"What the holy hell Shay." He says shouting.

"Really your in my house I thought you were a preditor!" I say.

"Hey I thought that when he came to my house." Scott says.

"Really... that's besides the point of why were here." Stiles says.

"Okay so why are you here." I ask.

"Okay my dad got a dispatch call saying the found a dead body." He says excitedly.

"Okay and.." I says confused.

"Wow your such a girl Okay Its only half a body and guess what.... were gonna go look for it." He says.

"No." I say.

"See I told you she would say No." Scott says.

"Well I'm not taking No scott grab your shoes, I grab Shay." Stiles says grabbing me instantly before I had a chance to run.

"Stiles put me down before I stab you." I yell hitting his chest as we make it outside I'm thrown in his car as Scott hands me my uggs.

"This is kidnapping. " I say smiling.

"So it's not kidnapping if your going along." Stiles says smiling back I just roll my eyes and sit back for the ride.

Once we arrive at the Woods I'm instantly scared.

"Guys I don't like this." I say scared.

"Here hold my hand me and Scott won't let anything hurt you Okay." Stiles says I grab his hand Scott bumps me, I push him back knowing what he's hinting at I have had a crush on stiles sense we were in 4th grade, but he likes Lydia.

" Stiles I was trying to get a good night sleep before practice tomorrow..." Scott says walking.

"Yea and I was gonna get up early to take a shower." I say finding an excuse to leave.

"Right, because, sitting on the bench asks such a heavy effort! And Shay you already took a shower before we kidnapped you, you smell like your vanilla wash and your hair is curly and damp." He says.

"No, because... I'm playing this year. In fact I'm playing first line... and it's weird you know her body wash stiles." Scott says chuckling.

"Hey, that's a spirit. Everyone should have a dream. Even if it's an unrealistic one and it's not weird she has had the same scent sense 3rd grade." Stiles says now causing me to blush.

" Any way Just asking by curiosity, which part of the body are we looking for?" I ask confused.

"Huh... I didn't even think about that." Stiles says.

"Are you serious what if they already found it!" I say stopping and not walking any further. This causes them to stop as well.

"And er... What if the one who killed the body is still out here." Scott says looking at stiles.

"Also something I didn't think about." Stiles says.

"So the person or thing that killed this person can still be out here Yea No, I'm leaving" I say walking away. Stiles grabs my hand.

"No your not your staying and so is he caus with drove you guys here." Stiles says pulling me again.

"Wow this was a horrible idea." Scott says.

"Oh you don't say." I say walking.
We walk a little further only to see flash lights.

"Oh God run." Stiles says we run and hide while stiles gets caught we hide behind a tree and listen.

"Hang on, hang on... This little delinquent belongs to me." I hear officer stilinski say.

"Oh hey Dad, how you're doing?" Stiles says.

"Sheriff we think the dogs... Stiles what are you doing here?" Oh No I know that voice my mom's here great.

"Nothing just sight seeing you know." Stiles says.

"Where is Shayla?" I hear my mom, say.

"What why would... say that she is never you know with me." Great stiles great lie.

"Fine let me call her then." I hear my mom say. Oh God No I didn't turn off my... just then my phone goes off. "Damnit." I mumble.

"Shayla Diana Mathews get out here." I hear my mom say, I walk out and stand next to stiles.

"Why are you out here." My mom ask.

"Would to you belive I was sleep walking and I'm actually asleep talking to you." I say smiling.


"Okay would you believe stiles kidnapped me." I say.

"Now that I belive." My mom says.

"Yea me too." The sheriff say.

"What." Stiles says crossing his arms.

"So if there is two, your missing a third." My mom say.

"What mom it's just me and stiles." I say trying to lie.

"Okay why is it you and stiles." The sheriff ask.

"Because were.... um.. talking about our relationship. " I say.

"What?" They say at the same time.

"Uh...uh I mean Yea it's serious were deciding to be ...."

"Friends." I say smiling.

"Okay you guys are weird, and if Scott was here I would tell him to go home." The sheriff says.

"Okay now look who's weird yelling into a void of nothing Yea." I say.

"You never seize to amuse me Shay, stiles take her home and stay home." Stiles and I shake our heads and go to his Jeep.

Once we get to his Jeep I start freaking out. "Stiles we left Scott."

"I know he'll get home don't worry now let's get you home."

We arrive to my house.
"You ready for school." Stiles says.

"Yea I'm excited kind of Lydia is too." I say.

"Oh cool she still with jackass." Stiles says.

"You mean jackson yea, he isnt even that bad." I say.

"Yea that's cause your popular Shay, everyone is nice to you, I'm surprise were even friends." He say.

"Hey we will always be friends for and always." I say holding up my pinky.

",forever and always." He say giving me his pinky for a pinky promise.

"Okay im going to bed night stiles see you tomorrw, are you still gonna pick me up." I say.

"Yea course night he says leaning over and kissing my cheek. I blush and get out the car and walk in the house, once I flop on my bed I start to think boy will this year be crazy.

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