some convincing....

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I'm dragged out my house yet again by two idiots we are currently in stiles Jeep driving to Derek's house.

"This is dumb why don't we just ask him" I say.

"What No we need evidence that he killed her." Stiles says.

"Okay so we sit here till he leaves." I say.

"Yup." Stiles says. Soon Derek leaves and we hop out the car, and start digging well I don't I'm too tired.

Hours later.

"This is taking way to long." Scott says.

"Just keeps going, it wouldn't take so long if shay helped and didmt stand there." Stiles says.

"Well I'm sorry, this wasn't my plan." I say crossing my arms.

"What if he gets back?" Scott ask.

"Then we get the hell out of here." Stiles says.

"What if he catches us?" I say.

"I have a plan for that."

"Which is?" Scott says.

"We all different ways, whoever he catches first, too bad." Stile says.

"I hate that plan." Scott says.

"Yea me too, stiles your plans suck." I say.

"Wow ! Stop, stop, stop." I look and see half a wolf and scream stiles runs up and covers my mouth.

"What the hell is that!?" Stiles says.

"It's a wolf!" I say.

"Yeah, I can see that ! I thought you said you smell blood ! As human blood." Stiles says.

"I told you something was different..." Scott says.

"This doesn't make sense." Stiles says.

"We've got to get out of here." Scott says.

"Yea I agree I'm gonna have so many bad dreams." I say.

"Yeah... Help me cover it." Stiles says but stops when he sees something.

"What's wrong ?" Scott ask.

"Do you see that flower?" He says.

"Yeah, what about it?" I ask.

"I think it's wolfs bane." He says.

"What's that?" I ask.

"You've never seen The Wolf Men?" Stiles says.

" No." Scott and I say at the same time.

"Lon Chaney Jr ? Claude Rains ? The original classic werewolves movies?" He says, I shake my head.

"No, what?" Scott ask looking at me I just shrug my shoulders.

"You're so unprepared for this." Stiles says shaking his head.

Stiles goes and Pull the Flower that turns into a rope as Scott watches stiles I notice the wold was now a girl I scream even louder.

"Shay what...." Scott stops seeing the other half of the girl he walks over and hugs me.

"Oh God we found, it." Stiles says.

We go back to the car and drive back stiles told his dad they are gonna check in the morning, stiles drives Scott home, then me.

"Shay do you want me to come in?" Stiles ask grabbing my hand I love it When he did that it was nice.

"Yea please." I say he nods and we walk into my house only to see my mom.

protect me (stiles stilinski) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now