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I pull on the handle, using all of my might to pull the large door open. I quickly slip inside, the door making a loud creaking noise as it slowly falls back into place. I look around, and feel a sense of familiarity. I reach out and touch a wall, feeling the moss against it.

I suddenly remember why it felt so familiar. It was an exact copy of Jareth's Labyrinth. Copycat, I thought. I unzip the backpack, pulling Paige out.

"Do you have a map of this labyrinth? I mean, it's virtually a copy of Jareth's, right?" I flip through some of Paige's pages, my finger tracing over words slightly.

"Welllllll... Yes and no. I do have a map of Jareth's labyrinth, aaaaand this labyrinth is... Eerily similar to his. The only problem is, is that because of Jareth not wanting anyone to get a hole of a full map, he created one that only showed which area you were in, and which way you had gone."

"So, I have to uncover the right way?"

Paige nodded.
"I have the ability to show you different paths, but only if they're nearby."

I sigh loudly. "Damn Jareth." I shake my head, flipping through the pages till I find the 'map' Paige was talking about. I see a small, blinking dot, and two parallel walls surrounding it. I move forward, and so does the dot. I sigh, figuring that this will be a long, looonngg journey.

Jareth POV.

I awake, shivering slightly. I reach out to pull the covers away from Jessica, and find she is not there. I open my eyes, and see that I am in a large cage, surrounded by metal bars. I look down at myself, and see that I am only wearing pants, and shoes. I look around more, and see that the place around my cage is very... Sparkly.


Oh, God no.

I am in the Faerie Queen's palace. I quickly look around for something to cover myself with, noticing that they had left me a blanket. I quickly cover my torso with it. I hear a flutter of wings, and look over.

Cynthia is inches from the cage, a short, chubby hand resting on one of the bars. "Oh... You know I hate to keep you caged up like this... But with how feisty you are, I just simply can't trust you!" She frowned, before giggling to herself slightly. She fluttered away from the cage, and over to a large crystal ball in the centre of the room. I looked closer, seeing Jessica walking through Cynthia's labyrinth.

"My, my. Don't you just love the heroines."

"Certainly much more than you," I spat at her. She turned towards me, a look of faux-shock.

"Oh, Jarrie... How hurtful. I mean, you have to love me. After all, your parents chose me to marry you." She smiled, walking back towards the cage. Her heels clicked as she stepped towards me, myself backing up slowly.

"That was years ago. Besides, I left for a reason."

Cynthia's tongue clicked, a glare in her eyes. "You... Left. Because you were a big baby who just couldn't handle all of this." She motioned to her body, wiggling her large hips.

"No, I left because you were a manipulative, psycho, possessive, murderous...Bitch." I crossed my arms, glaring back.

Cynthia starts to say something, before we hear a loud 'oof' come from the large crystal ball. Cynthia turns towards it, and laughs. "My my, that girlfriend of yours is quite klutzy." I look over, and gasp.

Jessica is stuck at the bottom of an oubliette. And seems to be...



((A/N: HI! How's it going? This is getting interesting, hm? I have Jareth and Cynthia a bit of back story. They were betrothed to be married, but Cynthia was (and still is) a crazy bitch, and tried to kill him the night before their wedding, and inherit the throne. Thankfully, Jareth got away. I am glad you are all being so patient. More to come! ))

As The World Falls Down... (JarethxOC Labyrinth Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now