Breakfast And A Lesson

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       I get out of bed the next morning, looking at the phone. Mainly because I needed reassurance that it was real. I walk over to the vanity, adjusting my short hair. I notice a small note tacked to the mirror.

       'I will see you at breakfast this morning. I am hosting a ball tonight, so I hope you don't mind that I have scheduled an appointment with the local tailor to get your measurements. -Jareth'

        I have never been to a ball before. I mean, c'mon. Who has those anymore? Still, the idea of lovely dresses and graceful dancing entertains me. I move to the closet, opening the doors and slipping out of the nightgown. I quickly change into a long, yellow gown, with lace around the short sleeves. I slip on a pair of flats, and shut the closet doors behind me. I place a matching bow in my hair, and walk out of the room and into the dining room. I smile at Jareth as I enter, choosing a closer seat to him to sit in.

         "Thank you... F-for the call last night, I mean. It was good to hear my mother's voice." I smile again, grabbing my fork and beginning to dig into the chocolate crepe that was left for me. Jareth smiles in return.

         "Well, I'm glad you're in a much better mood. I feel as though you seem much more... relaxed around me now." I nod, taking another bite of the crepe.

         "I figured that since you're allowing me to talk to my family, you're not /that/ much of an asshole," I tease, smirking. Jareth chuckles, and I feel myself become slightly giddy.

          "I suppose not. I was thinking that after breakfast I could show you around? It's rather easy to get lost. Even after almost 200 years of living here, I still find myself in unknown places," Jareth says, chuckling again. I can't help but admire the way his thin lips curve into a smile when he chuckles. It's actually rather cute.

          "Y-yeah," I quickly stammer, snapping back to reality. "That sounds nice." I finish my crepe, handing the plate and fork to a small goblin and watching them disappear into a doorway to which I presumed was the kitchen. "It's amazing to think such crude creatures can create such delicious dishes," I say, biting my lower lip slightly. Jareth appears to my left, holding out his hand. I take it, slowly standing.

           "Well, it's mainly a charm. It's amazing what goblins can do with just a little pinch of magic," Jareth murmurs, looping his elbow around mine as we begin to walk down the hallway. I smile, subconsciously leaning into him slightly. Jareth leads me to a large set of doors, opening one and allowing me to step in. I gasp as I enter, gazing up at the ceiling.

            It was the largest ballroom I've ever seen; there were crystals hanging from the ceiling, small balls of light hanging in the air. The floor was a smooth white granite, the walls decorated with small murals and large windows. In a corner of the room lay tables and chairs for people to rest at, along with a large bandstand for the music.

           Jareth smiles at my awe, twirling me around the large dance floor.

           "Have you ever waltzed, Jessica?" I sheepishly shake my head no.

           "It's not really a common practice in the modern era I'm used to," I say, nervously smoothing out the skirt of my dress. Jareth smirks, taking my hands.

            "Then I shall teach you," He says, placing one of my hands on his shoulder, the other clasped inside his gloved one. He gently rests his hand on my hip, standing up straighter. "Now, most waltzes contain beats of three. So in order to properly waltz, one must move their feet in groups of three." He gently guides me around the dance floor, our pace matching his mutterings of 'one two three, one two three, one two three one'.

          I slowly get the hang of things, effortlessly following him around. Jareth smiles brightly at me, causing my cheeks to dust a light pink as I return the smile.

          "You're doing amazing, Jessica. Simply wonderful." I nod a small thank you, my blush deepening slightly. A goblin walks into the room, causing Jareth to release me from his gentle grasp. I can't help but feel a sense of longing; to feel his hand on my hip once more; to feel the warmth of his hand wrap around mine again.

          "Sir! The queen of the fairies requests you meet her in the throne room immediately," Squeaks the small goblin. Jareth sighs, rolling his eyes.

          "I must go. The stupid broad won't get it into her damn head to keep her fairies away from the labyrinth. If she kept them away, I wouldn't have to have Hoggle spray them. We will continue your lesson soon, I promise." He kisses my hand before following the goblin out of the ballroom. I sigh, rubbing my hands over my face. Why am I falling for this spiky haired, charming, sweet fae?

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