Chapter Six.

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"Emma dear, oh my what happened to your face!" Mrs. Long touched my recent bruise, thanks to my dad.

"Ouch! I uh I was opening the door and it wouldn't open so like it suddenly opened and hit my cheek so that happened." Mrs. Long wasn't stupid but I didn't like saying that my dad hit me, even though she knew.

"If you want to stay over for a few nights it's alright." She gave a small smile.

"Thank you Mrs. Long, and don't worry I'll be okay." I gave her a quick hug and then went upstairs to Tiffany's room. I opened the door and all I found was, everything. A lot of clothes were on the ground, hair products scattering on the dressers, and makeup on her bathroom floor; it was all a big mess.

"Tiffany, what the hell is going on? It's just a party, it's not like it's the first one you're attending!" I threw a random pair of shoe so I can sit on her not so tidy bed.

"But now since I think I have a crush on Kevin, I wanted to look my best." She was pacing all around the room not even looking at me.

"Can you give me my red hee-, oh god I'm so sorry I didn't see your face. When did that happen?"

"Like 2 hours ago, but I'm fine. It's not like it's the first time." None of us talked for like 3 minutes but then I broke the silence.

"Okay we have two hours left, so let's get ready!" I said, trying to sound excited.

It was now 7:15 and we were officially done; Tiffany took more time than me. Her hair was curled to perfection, although I preferred her natural curls; she had a tight black dress and red heels on. Her makeup consisted of smokey eyes and red lipstick and some bronze. Tiffany looked beautiful and hot too.

I just straightened my hair, simple. I put some black shorts and a white crop top with black wedges. My makeup was foundation, to cover up the bruise, and pink lipstick. I looked okay, I guess.

"Bye mom, we're leaving!"

"Have fun kids, and don't be late!"

I never went to any of Kevin's parties so Tiffany was leading the way while I drive. After 30 minutes maybe, we finally arrived at Kevin's mansion; that place was freaking huge. Getting out of the car, we could hear the music which was pretty loud. When we entered, Kevin greeted us at the door, more like greeted Tiffany.

"Tiffany babe, I'm glad you couldn't make it," he winked making her blush. Ugh. "Here, have some beer and let's party!" And then he took her and disappeared. Great, I'm alone at a party I didn't want to go to.

After drinking some soda, I was trying to escape the party area and go to a room or any place quiet. As I was making my way to the room that I hoped would be empty, I heard screaming so I quickly went to that room, but it was locked and the screaming wouldn't stop. Since pushing the door didn't help, I broke it down with my foot. This guy was beating up a very petite girl and screaming at her.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing? Leave this girl alone or else." I approached him and he stopped yanking the poor girl's hair.

"Or else what, princess." His breathe smelled like alcohol and cigarettes.

"Don't you dare call me princess, asshole." I kicked him where the sun don't shine, which led him to punch me on my face. The girl just kept screaming and calling for help. I then punched his face and his stomach, I would've gone for his ribs but I didn't want to cause him a lot of damage.

"Emma, stop! You're going to kill him!" I just looked at his pained face and then kicked his stomach with my foot.

I look behind me and see a few people, including Tiffany and Kevin and the poor girl who was crying, a lot.

"What happened?" Everyone kept looking at my for an answer but I ignored them.

"Tiffany, I'm going to drive her home okay? I'll call you when I'm done." I grabbed the girl's hand and dragged her out of the party and back to my car.

"You can stop crying now, it's alright he's not here now." I was trying to comfort her but it wasn't working.

"Th-th-thank you."

"It's alright, where do you live?"

"N-no p-please my parents c-can't see me like this." She continued crying hysterically.

"Okay I'll just take you to the park until you calm down." The park was a bit far from Kevin's mansion so I just played some music and she finally calmed down a bit but she was still shaking.

"There we are, come on." We made our way to a random bench and just sat there.

"Thank you again, and I'm so sorry for what I caused and I'm sorry that he punched you and bruised your face."

Oh, yay for bruise number 2. "You didn't do anything, he's the one who should apologize not you, and I know how it feels to be beat up."

"And do you defend yourself, just like you defended me?"

"I don't, but I took some boxing classes so that I can defend myself so that's how I hit your boyfriend, I hope he feels a lot of pain." That made her smile so I was relieved.

"I'm Fiona."

"I'm Emma, nice to meet you Fiona."

She just smiled and asked me to drive her to her house; she gave me directions and I followed and now we were in front of her mansion.

"Would you please come in and stay for a while, after all you've done so far, all I caused to you was trouble."

I hated making friends or socializing(she hated making friends cz she thought everyone will leave cz if her bro left her then friends will too) I felt sorry for her and she seemed like a very sweet girl so I accepted her request. "You caused no trouble at all, and I wasn't enjoying that party anyway."

I stayed over until midnight. Fiona did almost all of the talking; she told me about her family and how her dad was a very successful surgeon and that her mom owned a traveling agency and that all of her brothers live in different cities. She was lonely, like me. She also told me about her boyfriend and their relationship; I figured that she opens up quickly.

"Well Fiona I had a great time. I enjoyed your company more than I would've enjoyed that party."

"I did too, and I'm extremely sorry again." She apologized for the 23rd time, probably.

We exchanged numbers and as I was driving home, Tiffany called.

I put her on speaker and proceeded to drive, "Hey Tiffy."

"I called you more than 11 times, I think you and that girl got kidnapped or something I swear I was going to call the police Emma what the he-"

"Tiffany! Call down. I was with Fiona and my phone was in the car, don't worry I'm on my way to your house now so see you in a few." I ended the call and continued driving.


"Wait wait, so you're telling me her mom owns a traveling agency?" Tiffany asked.

"Yes, and her dad is a surgeon so they seem filthy rich."

"Yes yes I get it but her mom OWNS a traveling agency!" Tiffany got excited.

"Yes I know Tiffany, why do you keep on repeating that?" I don't get her point really and all I want is sleep and another pack of ice on my cheek.

"Okay listen, you can't afford a ticket to California to go to Hayden right?"

"Yes and..." I said, waiting for her to explain to me more.

"And her mom owns a freaking traveling agency, which means she can get you a ticket for free after you've helped her!"

"I can't ask her for that, an airplane ticket is too much; all I did was punch her boyfriend in the face." I said, but still thinking about the idea.

"Suit yourself, but I think it's a great idea and you should totally ask her, plus you guys exchanged numbers so yeah." She turned the lights off and mumbled a goodnight.

I just sat there thinking about what Tiffany had suggested and thought why not give it a shot.

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