Chapter One.

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As I laid my head on the pillow, Darkness was all I could see. I couldn't sleep, all I could think about was my mother and the accident that happened exactly two years ago, tomorrow.


"Hey Emmabear, are you excited for tomorrow?" I heard my brother's voice fill the living room.

"Not really, Dad's out of town for a meeting, Mom has to work all day, and Tiffany is grounded." I said while going through the channels trying to find something entertaining.

"Come on, you're going to be fifteen! Make it memorable, "Hayden said, sitting next to me on our L-Shaped, navy blue couch.

"Hey, how about we go to Mel's Ice cream and get your favorite, and then go to the cinema and watch a movie?" He suggested

"That's not a bad idea actually." I said after I considered it

"Okay deal, well I'm off to bed so goodnight Em."

"Goodnight Haydee."


"Wake up Emma," I heard my mom's angelic voice call

I didn't reply

"Come on sweetie, it's your birthday and I want to spend an hour with you before I leave." She started pleading

"Okay fine, mother. You owe me a new book for waking me up at 7 in the morning." I huffed as I remove the sheets and head to the bathroom.

"Alright fine, birthday girl." She chuckled, leaving my room.

After washing up and taking a 5 min shower, I make my way downstairs and enter the kitchen and inhale the aroma of my mom's famous pancakes. As I stare at the beautiful masterpiece in front of me, my mom suddenly comes out of nowhere.

"Come on honey, dig in!" I obeyed without any argument

"Hmmmm, this will always be my favorite breakfast, thanks mom!" I said as I continued my heavenly breakfast.

After breakfast, my mom and I went to a park near by our house. We'd always go there when Hayden and I were kids. It's one of my favorite places to go actually, reminds me of the good old days.

Minutes later, Mom and I went back to the house jogging so that she wouldn't arrive late to the hospital. My mom, whose name is Lauren, is actually a nurse and today she has two shifts, which is why she can't spend the day with me.


"Emma, ready to go?" I heard Hayden ask from downstairs

"Yeah, coming." I grabbed my purse and headed downstairs

I skip down the stairs while humming a random song that came to my mind.

"Well aren't you in a good mood,"Hayden smirked.

"Well Duhh its my birthday, you idiot."I roll my eyes at his stupid remark.

"Alright alright baby sis, let's go." He said, grabbing his car keys.

20 minutes of listening to music and annoying Hayden, we finally arrive to Mel's Ice cream. Mel's probably has the best ice cream in this town, that's what I think at least. The shop wasn't crowded at all, just two teenagers probably on a date and a young girl with her mom. I go sit on the striped white and blue seat, that's matching with the plain white table.

"So Vanilla Fudge Ripple for you, right?" Hayden asked stupidly

"Well ofcourse Hayden, that's like the best one there!" I raised my eyebrow at him.

5 minutes later a teenage girl, who I think might be sixteen or seveteen, comes with our ice creams: Vanilla Fudge Ripple for me and Chocolate Chip for Hayden.

"This is literally perfection,"I continued licking my ice cream


We finally left after being there for an hour, just chatting about random stuff but I enjoyed every minute of it. See, Hayden and I are extremely close. We literally tell each other almost everything. We also have this tradition where both of us go to the park on the last Friday of each month. Why Friday you may ask? I have no idea.

"So which one do you want to watch, baby sis?"

"Ughh, Hayden stop calling me baby sis, im fifteen now!" I huffed in annoyance.

"Whatever you say, baby sis." He chuckled

"You're annoying, anyways I want to watch LOL." I smirked

"But isnt that like a drama and romance type of movie."

"It sure is, and that's what you get for calling me baby sis."I laugh and wait for him to pay the tickets.


I knew Hayden would kill me later, not only for letting him watch LOL but also for putting lipstick and eyeliner on him when he was sleeping during the movie.

"That wasn't cool y'know." I am still laughing at his reaction.

"Well I enjoyed it, so I don't care what you think Haydee Poo." I laughed even more.

"Stop calling me that!" He sighed, entering the car.

He puts the key into the ingnition and turns it, but the car wont start. He tries again several times and it still won't work.

"Hayden, just call mom and we'll have someone pick that piece of junk in the morning." I insult his 2008 beat up Honda.

"I'm already on it, and don't call Beth a piece of junk." He says dramatically.

I roll my eyes at his sillyness and listen to his convo with mom.

"Hey mom...yeah we're fine just my car wont start, so can you pick us up.... we're at Skylight cinema, the one we always go to.... Ahaa okayy... see ya byeee!"

"She said she's going to come pick us up so might as well wait for her near the road." Hayden was already getting out of the car, so I follow.


"Haydee, its been an hour and a half I don't think it takes that long from the hospital to the cinema." I started to panic.

"Would you stop worrying, there might be a traffic jam or something." He said carelessly not looking away from his phone.

"What traffic jam? It's 11:30 pm on a Tuesday night, I don't think that's it."I continued to panic even more.

We suddenly hear police and ambulance sirens from the street before us. So having nothing to do but wait for mom to show up, we go and see what's happening. It was so crowded, Hayden and I were pushing the people so we can pass by.

"Hayden, Hayden, HAYDEN!"

"What Emma? It's not like it's the first car you've ever seen crashed."


Hayden and I push the people even harder and screaming that it's our mom until we reach at the police line and demand to pass. I then saw my mom's beautiful face all covered in scars and blood and it was as if it wasn't my mother's flawless face.

"This isn't mom Hayden, right?" I say in complete denial

Hayden was in complete and utter shock that he didn't even answer me. I mean who wouldn't be if they saw their mom in that horrendous state. They carry mom's lifeless looking body to the ambulance, that contained two paramedics, my brother, and me.

After what seemed forever, we finally arrived. We wait for a while for the doctor to tell us the news, and after his answer; my whole world fell apart.

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid your mother's dead."

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