Chapter Eight.

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"Sorry I'm late," I immediately tell Fiona once I spotted her short, wavy raven hair, " I had to drop my friend back home and stuff." I sat down and my hazel eyes met her sparkling blue ones. I always loved blue eyes, just looking into them would calm me as weird as it might sound. 

"It's alright! I had a chat with the barista, who was extremely friendly. "She smiled. 

"So uhm how's everything and your summer so far?" I sounded so awkward it made me cringe. 

"Great actually, I have a lot of things planned for this summer so I'm pretty excited." 

"Great..." My eyes scanned the semi crowded place.

Awkward silence filled the air and I really couldn't think of a way to bring up the subject. I wasn't comfortable with asking her in the first place and now that I was about to, I didn't know how to exactly put it in words without sounding like a person who only called because they needed something from someone and that's it. I really wouldn't mind being friends with Fiona.

"Okay," I took a deep breathe and continued, "Listen Fiona, I really need a huge favor from you. It might be really rude for me to ask but I'm desperate and you have every right to refuse but I'll give it a shot anyway." 

"Sure go ahead." She gave a warm smile and waited to hear my request. 

"I heard that your mom owns a travelling agency, right?" 

"It's basically my mom's family's actually but yeah." She looked confused. 

"Well uhm I need to go to California ASAP and I know the flight is probably not expensive at all but I'm saving every penny for when I get there. So I was wondering if you can get me a ticket and I promise I'll pay you back once I get the money." I sounded so weak but I was, I just really wanted to go see Hayden. 

"Emma, what are you even talking about! You punched my now ex-boyfriend and got bruised because of me and you barely even know me! That is the least I can do for you!" She said, looking at me. "Just tell what day you're planning to go and return and I'll get your ticket ASAP! 

"Oh god, thank you so much,"I got off my seat and squeezed her into a hug. "I'd really love for us to be actual friends and I'm not only saying that because you're getting me a ticket." She laughed and pulled out of the hug. 

"I know what you mean, and I'd love that too! Maybe when you get back from California! Oh my god WE can go shopping and have sleepovers and gossip and talk about boys and everything!" She suddenly burst with excitement.

"Okay we sure will," I laughed at her enthusiasm to our starting friendship. 


"So did you text her the day you want to go there yet?" I shook my head and take my phone out. 

To : Fiona

From : Em 

I picked a date, next Wednesday would be great but I wouldn't mind any day but as long as it's next week I'd be grateful! xoxo 

"See Emma, I told you my idea would work." Tiffany smirked and gave her a pat on the back. 

I chuckled, "Yeah, one out of your thousand ideas finally worked." 

I felt my phone vibrate and unlocked it, 

To : Em

From : Fiona

Done! Your flight is 10:30 AM next Wednesday. Once you decide on a day to come, text me xo. I'll pass by and give you your ticket. 

I texted her Tiffany's address and told her she could stay for a bit if she didn't have plans for tonight, which she didn't.

"Tiffany, I'm going to  freaking California next week!" We both screamed so loud that Mrs. Long came into the room with a terrified look and pepper spray. 

"Really mom? You couldn't like get a bat or something?" Tiffany giggled. 

"I couldn't really think and grabbed what was in front of me," Mrs. Long smiled sheepishly, "What was all the screaming about anyway?" 

"I got a ticket to go see Hayden in California." 

"Hayden? You finally knew where he is! Oh honey I'm so happy for you!" She pulled me in a hug and I gladly embraced it. 

"Well I'll leave you two to chat about whatever you girls talk about." 

Tiffany and I just kept trying to think about how I'll actually approach Hayden. The only thing I know about him is his university's name. I don't know where he lives- a dorm or an apartment. Or if he's currently still in California. I didn't even know how I am going to face him. 

I am happy I found a way to get to Hayden and that I'm going to see him. But I didn't forgive him; I don't know how I can forgive him. How will I even react when I see him? How will he react when he sees me? Will he be happy or upset? Maybe he wanted to start a new life and completely forget about his past one, which includes me. I shouldn't go. 

"Tiffany, I don't think I should go." 

"What the hell are you talking about?" Tiffany looked at me like I had grown a third eye,"You will go! I know you're still upset and you have every god damn right to be but I will make sure you get onto that place." 

"You deserve answers to all your ignored questions; he's the only real family you've got. Good or bad, whatever this trip will be, you need to go." No words came out of my mouth. All I did was lit a cigarette. 

"You're right. I need answers and I am ready to face Hayden." I smiled at Tiffany, taking a long drag and blowing it out.

I really don't know how I could've survived those past years without her. She's always there for me and always says the right words that I need to hear. I'm so grateful for her. She's is the only good thing in my life right now. 

Minutes later the door bell rang and Tiffany opened it, revealing Fiona with my plane ticket and a box of donuts. 

"I already liked you and now I love you," Tiffany took the box from her and guided her to the room. "I know that we're going to be the best of friends!"


hope you guys like the story so far- pls comment and vote to actually motivate me to write so yeah  xoxo 

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