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3rd person point of view

"Matt?" Nash asked the so familiar voice.

"Yes Nash! It's me its me!"

Nash gasped it can't be him. He's dead. He's in heaven telling jokes to Jesus.

"Who is this!!! Playing this cruel joke on me!! How dare you act like you're my DEAD bestfriend!!!" Nash screams into the phone.

"No Nashy! It's me, it's Matthew" the voice insisted.

"No No No, my Mathew died that night. There's a memorial locker and everything."

"No Nash, those are all lies. Please believe me. Please Nash. Don't leave me again!! please" the voice begged.

Nash was almost in tears. They sounded like Matthew. They acted like Matthew. It had to be him. But how?

"Matt" Nash breathlessly whispered.

"Nash." Matt giggled.

There was a long pause. Neither boy wanted to say anything. Well, they wanted to talk; but how do you talk to your bestfriend after he's been dead for 3 years?

"How?" They blue eyed boy was the first to shatter the silence.

"How what?" Matt asked confused from his friends bluntness.

"How are you alive?"

"I was never dead Nash" Matt huffed.

"Yeah you were, you died the night I..."

"The night you pushed me off the bridge" Matthew finished.


"It's fine Nash, yo-"

"IT'S NOT FUCKING FINE MATTHEW. I PUSHED YOU OFF A BRIDGE FOR GOD SAKES. I COULD OF KILLED YOU. I THOUGHT I KILLED YOU, MATTHEW!!! NOTHING ABOUT THIS SITUATION IS "FINE!!" Nash yelled. Matt calling him like this made him replayed the last 3 years. It made him angry.

He went mute for no reason. He was bullied, tortured, harassed for no reason!!! The last 3 years of his life have been meaningless. And it angers him.

"Nashy please calm down. Let me explain" Matt begged he hated seeing/ hearing him like this.

"Please explain Matt, I'm so confused. You went from dead to alive in less than a second?"

"Before I explain I just want to say I'm sorry. For everything Nash. I'm so sorry....It all started when I woke up in the hospital bed.

I remembered us sneaking out to go to that bridge party. I remember us drinking and having fun. I also recall me confessing my love for you. But you didn't like that so you pushed me off the bridge. I knew you didn't mean to but...

Anyways my parents asked me who and why the person pushed me. My first instinct was to lie. But then I thought why cover for someone who almost killed me.

So I told my parents. From the love confession to you pushing me. They totally supported me being gay. But they said we couldn't be friends anymore.

So my mom and dad created this crazy plan about making it seem like I died that night. That's why they didn't let you come to the funeral or tell you where my grave was, because there wasn't one.

But all plans cost money. Which means we had to pay off a bunch of people. The doctor, the nurses, the news, the school so on and so on.

But my family didn't have enough money at the time. So we had to borrow money. But we couldn't borrow from the bank, we would get caught. Faking death is illegal. So we had to do a private transaction.

We took money from the Caniff's. (a-that's how taylor knows about the Nash & Matts situation). We just got done paying them back a week ago.

Since then I've been living as Evan C. Washington." Matt explained.

There was a long pause. Nash couldn't believe it. His bestfriend was alive and heathy. They could go back to how it used to me. If Matt wasn't in a different state that is.

"Nashy please say something?" Matt encourage. He was scared. He didn't want Nash hating him, being away from Nash wasn't his idea. It was just shoved in his face and he had to deal with it.

"Do you still love me?" Nash asked.

"Yes... Do you still love me?"

"Yes" he answered.

They both smiled. They were both admitting their feelings. It felt so right. They couldn't help but smile.

But Nash thought of something and his smile totally dropped.

"Why all of a sudden are you reaching out to me?" Nash asked. Matt has his own phone. He could of easily dialed Nash's number.

"Because my parent said you ran away from home and there was no way to communicate with you. But then I saw you on the news and I knew I had to call you." Matt explained. He was great full there was nothing on that night. Or he wouldn't of watched the news.

"I'm glad this is working out Evan" Grier teased. He is so happy. Right when everything went spiraling down, a miracle arrived.

Matthew just chuckled. He thought this was funny. His having a conversation with somebody who thought he was dead, how normal.

"Matt, when's the next time I'm going to see you?" Nash questioned. He was dying to see his friend face to face. He's been craving this for 3 years.

"I don't know Nash... but remember, I love you"

"I love you too"

Author's Notes💞:

omg this chapter took years to put up. I Kept on rewriting it over and over again. I don't like how it's all dialogue, but oh well. 🌸

Matt's back bitches!!! YayYay🌸

I'm like low-key shipping Mash.🌸 don't worry it's a cash book. Idk how ima get them back together tho...🌸


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