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It was a rainy Thursday morning. There was no school today because it was a teacher planning day. I was currently sitting on the couch watching the water run down my large windows. I wasn't particularly sad, I was just, regular.

It's been a little over 2 months since I last saw Nash. The first couple of weeks were hard. I couldn't see his face everyday or hold his hand. I didn't see him at school or in public. The comfort he brought me wasn't there. And it's scaring. My life is slowly drifting without him. I didn't know I was so dependent on the blue eyed boy.

Still looking out the window I saw Gilinsky's car pull to the curb. He quickly got out and ran to the passenger side and opened the door for his boyfriend. They came out together about two weeks ago. Gilinsky's dad was overly pissed about his homosexuality. His father through his clothes in a muddy puddle and told him, "you want to be a filthy bitch like those clothes don't you? Go ahead! Just not in my house, boy!"

That night I got a call from his mother, she explained to me what happened and asked if I could let Jack stay at my house for a couple days. I agreed and picked him up right away. Jack stayed with me for a week before his mother called again. She convinced her sister to let Jack stay with her until he went to collage. He now stays with his Aunt Stemma. 

The two lovers walked up to my door and knocked. I was contemplating on answering it. I wanted to be a lone today. I've been keeping my self busy and I just wanted to relax on this free day. But before I could make up my mind my lovely mother opened the door.

"Hello Gilinsky, come in. This must be your boyfriend I've heard about, it's nice meet you, I'm Gina Dallas." My mom spoke, putting out her hand.

Johnson smiled and shook her hand, "I'm Jack Johnson, it nice to meet you too."

"Let me yell for C-"

"No need to I'm right here," I interrupted my mother announcing my presence. My mom just smiled and walked back to the kitchen.

The two Jacks stood and looked at me for quite a while. It wasn't uncomfortable but it was very strange. They kept roaming my body, no they weren't eye raping me. More like looking for something. I sighed heading back to the couch. I wasn't quite done watching the sky cry.

They followed and sat on the love seat. Gilinsky broke the silence, "you need to get out and have some fun."

I rolled my eyes at that. I had a basketball game yesterday, that was fun. "And basketball doesn't count," Johnson added.

"That newish girl Aliyah is hosting a all-nighter movie night at her Aunts café, and we are dragging you along," Gil stated.

I admittedly shit that down. "No fucking way, that's like Nash's bestie. He's definitely going to be there and I definitely don't need to be around him." Yes I wanted to see him. But was it healthy for me to? No it is not.

"I know but it's time for you to move on from him. And plus you can show him how good your doing without him," Johnson said.

But I was doing the exact opposite.

"No I'm not going."

"We'll see, Cam."

"I'm not going to that party."

"It's tomorrow at 8! Don't miss it!"



Sorry for it being so short, I have a little bit of writers block.
Anyway who's pov would you like the party to be in?
Nash or Cam?

ps: thank you so so so soooo much for 20k reads 1k votes and comments, your love and support means everything! 💕😭

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