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a/n - I know, it's been like a month since I updated. And I'm genuinely sorry, I don't want to rant on you, but my life has been constantly rolling down hill. So writing hasn't been my main focus, and I hope you can understand that.

Mute is sadly coming to an ending and this will be the last chapter. I know I promised a few more but I am running out of ideas.

I will be updating my jolinsky book once I get my life together so you should check that out.

follow me so you don't miss out on any updates that I put on my board.
Including the winners of my contest in the last chapter, which is already posted, so go see if you won!! Please give the winners a follow too!

Now let's see how Nash and Cam end their story...


Cameron woke up with a jump. He immediately looked over at Nash. Lucky he was sleeping peacefully. Cam sighed heavily, he was tired of fighting with the blue eyed boy. He finally realized that he had fallen in love with him and it was breaking his heart when he looked at Nash. He could tell Nash was hurting too.

Cameron sat up and folded his blankets. Today was the day he was getting out of this hell hole of a room. He was seriously pissed with Jack Gilinsky. How could his best friend lock him in a room with the boy who broke his heart?

What made Cam angrier is that Jack did the right thing. He somehow helped fix this broken relationship that Nash and Cam had created.

The brown headed boy dusted off his clothes and went to the bathroom. After he was done with taking care of his business he went back to his spot on the floor. Closing his eyes he thought about the teenage boy across the room.

Meanwhile, Nash was having one of the best dreams of his life...


I sat on the front porch of my aunt's house. My pale fingers covering my face. I am in such a fucked up situation. The world is pushing me to pick between my dream and the love of my life.

Earlier in the year I applied to 4 collages. Not a lot, but at that time I didn't think my future would matter. Typical teenage thoughts.

I got accepted to 3 out of 4. UCLA - the collage Cameron received a full ride scholarship for basketball. FSU - It's not America's #1 collage but it's my dream to attend there. It's the farthest state from my parents, and it's Florida. OSU - Oregon is Aliyah's home state so she forced me to apply.

Now Oregon State is out of the question. Nothing is there that interests me. It was a back up plan. But Florida Sate is where I want to be. I've dreamed of living in the dorms and going to the beaches ever since freshman year. But Cameron is the love of my life, hell he is my life. We've been through so much and I don't want to ruin it.

I once said I would follow him to the ends of the earth. But if I choose Florida State we would be on the opposite side of the country.

Tears were rimming my eyes from the stress of this decision.

It was between my life and our life. And I've always been a little selfish. But I know being selfish has it's consequences. I learned that lesson a few months ago. A wanted Matt but I wanted Cameron too. And that didn't end quite as I wanted to, but we got through it. 

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud engine. Cameron's smooth black car pulled to a stop in front of my temporary home. Seeing his face calmed me down just a bit. But also made me feel guilty.

Cam knew about the situation. Ever since we got trapped in that room, I vowed never to hide or lie anything from him.

"Hey love. How are you doing?" He asked walking up the steps. I smiled but didn't speak. He sat right next to me and pulled me close.

"Tell me what's wrong," he cooed.

I rolled my eyes. "You know what's wrong Cameron."

He sighed. "Tell me what's really wrong." He took my head in his hands. Softly stroking my left cheek. "Why are you close to tears, why are you pushing yourself so hard. Why are you having nightmares again. Why are you starting to push me away?" He pulled me to to his chest, kissing my head. "Baby boy what's wrong. Please tell me what's wrong."

I sobbing was now. My blue filled up like a river turning into a waterfall. I was s mess. My hands were shaking, and my breathing was uneven. His hands were rubbing my back slow and gently, waiting until I was calm.

"Cameron I'm terrified. I don't want to be 3,000 miles away from you. I'm scared of you not being there when I need you or me not being there when you need me. I'm scared we won't go on dates or cuddle. I'm scared of being alone or you falling out of love with me. I'm so scared of loosing you Cameron."

He shook his head pulling me tighter. I could tell what I said made him angry, but I couldn't help it, it was the way I felt. "None of that will happen! I don't want you to say that ever again! I will run the world to get to you. I will never stop loving you, ever! You are my everything. You are my world, my life, and my eternal love and don't ever forget that! Now stop with this nonsense. We have each other for the rest of our lives. If you choose Florida I will still be happy. I'll get to watch you live your dream at your dream collage. It will be okay."

I looked at him. His words were telling me to follow my dreams, but his eyes were telling a whole different story. It was the same look that he gave me at the hospital. He was sad, worried, and most of all scared.

And I'll do anything to make sure he wasn't scared. So at that moment I knew what my decision was going to be.

As I opened my mouth to tell him, bright lights started blinding my sight. "Cameron?" It was getting whiter and soon I couldn't see. "Cameron! CAM!"

My body jumped as I opened my eyes again. I was still trapped in the back room of Aliyah's cafe.

Cameron's face was right in front of mine.  "Nash are you okay? You were yelling my name in your sleep."

I nodded my head, "I choose you!"

"What?" Cameron asked confused.

"I choose you. I will always choose you because Cameron you are my everything, you are my world, my life, and my eternal love, and don't you ever forget that."


sorry the ending was sucky but I am really proud of this book. It's gotten over 28k reads and that's all I could ask for. thank you for all your votes comments reads and love and support. please continue to be the wonderful people you are 💓😭.

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