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Another month passed Talbot got no word from or about Hannah!

Talbot was on deck speaking with a passenger when the steward approached with a stack of letters and a stack of newspapers. Talbot thanked him and he excused himself from the gentleman he was speaking to with a quick bow of the head and he went into his office anxiously to see if there was a letter from Hannah. One by one he looked at the letters.


Shaking his head and rubbing his face with his hands his anxiety grew ever more.

'What has happened to her?'

He ordered a coffee to be served in his office and in the quiet of the early morning he indulged himself in reading the newspapers that had been collected for him.

The steward arrived with the coffee.

"Thank you."
"Yes, Sir, Captain Talbot, you are welcome."

The steward poured the coffee into a cup. Talbot added the cream and sugar. Took a mouthful of the strong brew, enjoying it very much.

He sat back in the large leather armchair that was in his office and settled down to read his papers.

Unfortunately they were all old. Dates passed. They only got delivery of mail and newspapers at a port of call.

This newspaper dated November 2nd, 1854. He started thumbing through it looking at advertisements and any stories that caught his eye. Then the section: International News.

As he continued to turn the pages one name jumped out at him in a large print notice. That name - Hannah Chamberlain! His heart leapt into his throat. "Oh no Hannah what has happened to you?" Then he noticed Benjamin's name.

In Memory of
Benjamin Chamberlain
Who is survived by his wife
Hannah Chamberlain

February 15, 1784 -
November 1st, 1854

Memorial Services
November 5th, 1854
Baton Rouge
Prestige Funeral Home
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
United States of America

Talbot could not believe his eyes. He sat straight up in the chair. "That is why my letters have gone unanswered." He said to no one.

He closed the newspaper checking the date on the front of the paper. 'Poor Hannah, all alone to deal with this.' He thought.

At the same time his heart was racing for other reasons!

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