why is it so hard to understand

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Why is it so hard for you to understand?

I see a world full of madness and miss guided people,

A place where the faith is little and the struggle is over baring,

To see a child bage for food and the parents in the car,

Or a crack head ask for chang so they can buy some rocks,

What happen to are people?

Cant we all stand up together with out worrying about a back stabber,

Don't you see the pain in are young folks eyes,

The tears are kids cry at night,

The pain family can inflect on each other with out regret,

Why cant you understand these drugs and bad parents are taring down are community,

It's just not right,

Why cant I walk down my street at night with out a gun,

Truth be told because I would get raped or worse killed,

Because a man wants my pocket book,

Or because he wants my body for his own sick plassures,

I know as well as you this world was not intended to be this way,

But where can you place the blame?

On us for destroying are self's,

On the government for doing things to us and against us,

Or what about the white men for taking us from are lands,

Could it be the so called holly men who killed Jesus?

Or eve for biting the apple,

There are number of reasons this has happen,

But do you understand?

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