Chapter 6

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After the liquid had healed her, Piper looked towards the sky. The bright blue window had not changed:

〔Welcome to Hamelin.〕

She wasn’t sure about the name of the city, it matched with the theme of her avatar, but something about it unnerved her. Something seemed to be missing from the name something that was important.

A small green window popped up on the left side of her sight. It was a PM from the much loved villain Epoch: 〔You should leave the city soon.〕

She poked the message a small transparent keyboard floating in front of her. To all others it would appear as if she was randomly holding her hands up in midair, but Piper cared nothing for appearences. She had the option to vocally reply, but she felt that it was the wrong thing to do in this situation.

〔Why should I leave〕

〔That city is not and will never be sanctuary.〕

Sanctuary: A safe haven, a place of peace. And the only place the rules say that one can’t kill another being. She glanced through the other players, none of whom seemed to be ready to take any sort of action.

〔Why are you warning me?〕

〔Because you interest me.〕

Epoch ignored all further replies. His advice dug into her, it wasn’t something she could share among the other players. Sure some players may be wise enough to leave to find the true sanctuary. However there may be others who may panic and try to escape using the 95% method.

She once again glanced at the sign, Epoch was right. Nowhere did it read Sanctuary. Piper’s heart skipped a beat. It should be fine for a few hours at least, no one is going to straight up kill another individual. There is not enough fear for that. However once that individual was killed… Piper had read enough murder game stories to figure out what would happen.

She sat up, taking Epoch’s advice for worse or for the better she did not know. She walked past the players, they seemed to clear the way for her. She gripped her dagger in one hand, smiling politely to people as she walked past. The smile caused the other players to clear away from her faster.

She had two options the main road that was clear of any trees and a seemingly felt terrain, or heading into the forest that surrounded them. She thought about it briefly and stepped into the trees. If people do start attacking each other, then being on the road would be more dangerous.

She walked slowly letting the trees cover her from their sight, if she started to run, then like newfound prey, she would have been the first one hunted. She had hoped that it would remain in that stand still long enough for her to get a few hours away, a few levels higher.

No such luck was blessed upon her.

A scream echoed from the city. Piper could not tell whom it was from, or who was killed. What she knew was that the stage had been set, and someone had just pulled the gun to start the race.

Rule #2 of this Game: Do not trust others.

Trust is something that can take numerous meanings, but Piper had grown to accept a single one. The meaning of this rule was simple; do not trust the moral system others hold. Once it broke, it would be impossible to fix.

Piper needed to live long enough so she could personally slaughter Epoch for making her friend cry. For making Kit cry, she might end up breaking a few laws. Then again, in this game who was to complain?

A green window opened up near the bottom of her vision,

〔Enemies have spawned.〕

〔NPC’s have spawned.〕

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