Chapter 7

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Kit walked onto the campus. He had not bothered to bring his things. As soon as he collected his information, he would leave. He had no time to waste on such pointless things. A few days of schoolwork could be caught up in a matter of hours. But actually going up to class would take up nearly six times that amount of time.

One of the girls that occasionally chatted with Piper walked past him. Kit spun on his wheel, walking quickly to catch up. “Hey Anna. Do you remember Piper?”

“Please don’t talk to me like you know me, disgusting pig.”

Kit scowled; two faced people always pushed him the wrong way. Anna was happy and cheerful when Piper was around, even eliciting some chitchat with Kit occasionally. But with Piper removed no reason for the façade remained.

“Should I take that as a no? Annabelle Mari Smith?”

She looked disgusted, “I don’t know how you learned my middle name, but keep your trap shut unless you want something shoved in it.”

Piper had told him when she found out Mari hated it. Kit smiled childishly, brandishing a yawn.

“Sounds like something you would like.”

“What a childlike resp- Hey where are you going, I’m talking to you.”

Kit waved her off, already walking away, “Waste of time, you don’t know. So I don’t care.”

Kit started to count, besides Anna, the most likely person to remember Piper would be one of the teachers, or… Cruks.”

Kit ignored the bell. Instead he walked to each of his classes completely ignoring the structured system. He shared most (all) of his classes with Piper so he could have spent his day asking each teacher slowly. Yet the more time he wasted, Kit felt was more time risking Piper’s life. He coughed. If Piper had heard that, she would have gotten annoyed. “Cat, I am not so weak as to worry you about getting hurt. If anything you should worry about carrying your own weight in this adventure.” She had said that when she had gotten a snake bite when they went camping. It turned out to be nothing serious, but she was mad for a week after that. Was it because kit forced her to ride piggyback as he carried her down the hill to the nearest payphone to get help?

Kit opened the door to his first classroom, turning towards the teacher. “Teach, do you know Piper?”


Kit closed the door and left, walking to the next classroom.

He opened the next door,”Mr. Bolovardi, do you know Piper?”

“Kit aren’t you a bit late?”

“Nope, don’t worry about that, it’s not even my class period. Do you know Piper?”

Mr. Bolovardi shook his head, “No.”

“Thanks for the help.”

Again and again kit tried each of the classrooms. Each time the teachers growing more annoyed than the last. Courtesy of them getting farther and farther into their lessons by the time Kit reached their door.

Not even a complete period had passed, yet Kit had only one more person to check.

Cruks was someone who did not along with their group Mezer at all, he was oftentimes the villain in their so called adventures. He barred the way, making fun of their childish group. Kit also thought the group was childish; it was something they should not have continued up to this point, lasting all the way to the final year of their high school lives. Kit sighed, but who the hell cared, he for one had more fun than almost any other student his age.

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