It's Warmer Near You

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     "Shadow where were you the whole time?" Rouge asked over lunch, after the game had ended. "Hiding ... you all found each other?" Shadow said. "Yeah. Then we spent the rest of the game looking for you. Where were you hiding?" Rouge asked. "Under a tree. I tried looking for you guys but I kept getting caught," Shadow explained, avoiding telling them that he was there with Sonic. "Do you know what they have planned for tonight?" Shadow asked, changing the subject. "Not sure. But I'm scared to find out," Rouge responded.
     When nighttime rolled around, Shadow spent most of the instructions being given by the camp counsellors swatting away mosquitos. Shadow realized he missed most of the lecture. He turned to Rock. "Wait what are we doing?" Shadow asked. "They're going to take us star gazing," Rock said. "Oh," Shadow said, violently swatting away more bugs. Rock laughed. "What is it with you and bugs?" "I hate them," Shadow responded to Rock. "Okay everyone! We're going to get in two lines. Pick a partner and stand in front of your partner on the opposite line. "Want to go me and Rock, you and Maria?" Rouge asked. "Sure," Shadow said. Rock and Shadow stood beside each other facing Rouge and Maria. "Okay now wave to your partner goodbye!" Rock and Shadow both waved. Rouge and Maria followed along. "Wait, what?" Shadow asked. "Okay everyone, follow me," the other camp counsellor said. This is when everyone noticed they were being separated from the second line. "Why would they do that?" Rock asked. "Um," Shadow said. "What the hell?" Shadow asked, after a pause. Rock laughed. "Okay whatever I guess I'm stuck with you again," Shadow said. "Look it's Sonic," Rock said pointing ahead of them, at Sonic. "That's very interesting," Shadow said. "He's by himself. Look, Tails is busy talking to someone else," Rock pointed out. "How unfortunate," Shadow said, staring at the trees to his left. "Should we talk to him?" Rock asked. "Why? He's a jerk," Shadow said. Rock laughed. "So? He looks so lonely," he said. "I don't care," Shadow said. As their camp counsellor tried showing them different constellations in the starry sky, Shadow and Rock were too busy talking about how much they wanted to go home. "I think it's fascinating that it's so boiling hot during the day and then at night it's freezing cold," Shadow said. "I told you to bring a sweater," Rock laughed. "I know," Shadow said, "do you think they would let me go and get it?" "I'm sure, go ask," Rock said. Shadow ran up ahead to talk to the camp counsellor. He came back in a few minutes, and told Rock that he could go, and that he would be right back. Shadow ran the opposite direction of their group to get back to their cabin.
     He walked into the cabin and immediately warmed up. It was so cold outside even the wooden cabin felt warm. He sat down on his bunk and put his sweater on. Then he realized, maybe he shouldn't go back out. Their group was so big, he was sure the counsellor wouldn't even notice he was gone. "I probably shouldn't leave Rock though," Shadow thought. He stood up to walk back outside, when Sonic came running in to the cabin. "Sonic!" Shadow yelled, "are you stalking me?" Sonic laughed. "No," Sonic said. "I saw you come here so I thought I was come too," he explained. "Yeah that's called stalking," Shadow said, walking back to his bunk. He sat down, facing Sonic's bunk as Sonic sat down on it, facing Shadow. "Want to stay here?" Sonic asked. "No, I can't leave Rock," Shadow said. "Why not?" Sonic asked. Shadow rolled his eyes. "He doesn't have anyone else in that group," Shadow explained. "What do you mean? He started talking to some guy right after you left," Sonic said. "Oh," Shadow sighed. "Fine. Let's stay here," he agreed. Sonic smiled and laid down. "Are you sleeping on the bottom?" Shadow asked. "No, of course not. I'm on the top for the whole trip," Sonic smirked. "Knuckles let you do that?" Shadow asked. "Yes. I'm too stubborn," Sonic explained. "Of course," Shadow said, rolling his eyes. Sonic started shaking, and tried covering himself using the sheets on Knuckles' bed. "You're cold?" Shadow asked. "Yeah it's freezing," Sonic said, reaching in to his suitcase for a sweater. "I'm going to the washroom," Sonic said, walking to the washroom in their cabin. Shadow laid back in his bunk waiting for Sonic to get back. When Sonic did come out of the washroom, he went and sat on Shadow's bunk instead of his own. "It's warmer near you," Sonic smiled.

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