Who's the Stupid One Now?

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Shadow looked over at Sonic, who was motioning to him to open the airplane. Shadow rolled his eyes and opened up to folded paper. "Hi :3", it read. Shadow got a pen from the shelf behind him and began responding to the message. "Sonic, what is wrong with you?" He folded the paper airplane back in to shape and sent it back over to Sonic. Once he received it once again, he opened it up. "I'm not tired ... let's just do this all night." Shadow wrote back, "are you crazy? I'm tired. We wouldn't survive tomorrow if we didn't sleep." He once again threw it back over to Sonic. "Fine. Let's just talk for a bit then."
"Fine. What do you wanna talk about?"
"I dunno ... Did you have fun today?"
"Ew no. Did you?"
"Not really but it could've been worse. I wish I didn't get separated from Knuckles and Amy though."
"Yeah you seemed kind of lonely."
"Yeah well Tails got into an elaborate conversation with some random person. That's the main reason I followed you back to the cabin. I was bored. XD"
"Oh. Is that so?"
"I guess."
"I figured you just wanted to be with me."
"So you did?"
"I dunno."
"Ugh. I hate you."
"Are you mad I did that?"
"Why would I be?"
"Cuz you hate me. XD"
"You don't know that."
"Shadow you tell me that all the time. You JUST told me that."
"Shut up. You have NO proof."
"XD wow."
"So you like me?"
"I already know so you might as well admit it."
"Sonic XD"
"Duh I like you Shadow."
"Well you're stupid then."
"You're stupid."
"You're stupid."
"Why am I stupid?"
"Because I'm mean to you all the time what is appealing about that?"
"I know you don't mean it. I know you secretly like me because everyone does."
"This is why I hate you XD"
"So I'll assume you don't like me back :("
"Don't give me the sad face."
"Why not? :( :( :( :( :( :("
"Stop that XD you're not going to make me feel guilty."
"You're the worst."
"Second worst. You're the worst."
"Shut up XD"
"How are you gonna make me when you're all the way over there?"
"We hugged."
Their conversation through the paper airplane continued until about 3:00am. Definitely past the time Shadow wanted to talk. They had to wake up at 7:00am again. He knew he would be dead tired the next day. But at the same time, he didn't regret it. He ended up having a lot of fun talking to Sonic. Hearing that Sonic did in fact have a crush on him wasn't surprising. He was glad Sonic admitted it because he knew he himself never would. Shadow admired Sonic's confidence, even though he pretended it was his least favourite thing about Sonic. Yes, Shadow had it all twisted. He does anything he can to hide his feelings for Sonic. He was too afraid to have that connection with someone. Shadow has never had any interest in dating anyone else. He had no experience. He felt that if they ever did date, he wouldn't know what to do. He felt that he would let down Sonic, and not make him feel as special or loved as someone else could. Not only that, but he was afraid his friends wouldn't accept it. He was afraid they would freak out if they knew he had feelings for a guy, nonetheless Sonic. Shadow hadn't come out to his friends as bisexual because the only guy who made him feel this way was Sonic. He was still confused as to why this was, because Shadow has never had any interest in another guy. He wasn't even sure if he should call himself bisexual yet. These were the thoughts Shadow had every night while everyone slept. These were the thoughts he refused to let become reality. "This is stupid," Shadow thought. "I'm stupid," he thought again, "love is love. I need to tell Sonic tomorrow." He smiled at the thought. He finally knew it was the right thing to do.

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