Four vs. Four

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     The next morning, everyone gathered around outside once again, ready to hear their first activity of the day. "Ok guys, today we're going to start with archery," the camp counsellor was cut off by cheering from most of the students. Everyone was looking forward to this. "We want all of you to get into groups of an EVEN number below eleven. This is because within your team you will be divided evenly. Whoever gets the most points wins! So let's get started," the camp counsellor finished. "So I guess we'll just go us four?" Rouge said. "Actually, Sonic told Shadow we should verse him and his friends in games like this. I thought it would be great to beat them," Rock said. "Really? Well okay then, let's go find them," Rouge said. The four of them walked over to Sonic and his three friends. "So Rock said you wanted to verse us?" Rouge said to Sonic. "Oh, yeah, if you guys want to," Sonic said. "Sure, let's do it," Rouge smirked.
     The eight mobians walked over to one of the archery boards. "Everyone is going to get 5 shots per round! We're going to play 3 rounds altogether," the camp counsellor explained as he handed everyone their bow and arrows. "You guys go first," Shadow said. Shadow knew his team had the advantage. Working for Dr. Eggman for so long gave him and Rouge a lot of practice with different weapons. While Sonic and his friends mainly used their own powers, Shadow and Rouge used weapons with similar functions to bow and arrows. Not to mention Shadow's experience with guns. Maria and Rock also have natural great aim. Sonic and his friends may have won the first round of archery, but Shadow and his group won the other two. "Looks like you guys won," Sonic said, looking over the score card. "But don't get used to it. We will beat you in the next game," he smirked. "We'll see," Shadow smirked back. The next game was tug of war. "I don't know about this one guys, I have terrible grip," Maria said. "I know so do I," Rock laughed. The game began and it took a while for one team to finally pull it closer to them. Eventually, Sonic and his team came out on top. Knuckles pulled it so hard it ripped right out of everyone else's hands. "See? I told you," Sonic said. "Yeah, whatever. We still won the first one," Shadow said. "Gee, Knuckles. You were pretty serious with that rope there," Rouge said. "Yeah. Or it's just a natural talent," Knuckles said. "Whatever you say," Rouge responded. "What do you think they're going to make us do next?" Tails asked. "Not sure, but they're leading us towards the forest. I'm kind of worried about that," Sonic stuttered. "Maybe they're going to teach us how to make a fire. Someone told me they usually do that," Maria said. "That would be fun," Amy said. "That would be dangerous," Rouge laughed, "better keep Knucklehead away from the flames." "Shut it, Batgirl. You're the one I wouldn't trust around a fire," Knuckles responded angrily.
     Once they reached inside the forest the camp counsellors started talking again with their Earth shaking voices. "Okay guys! Now we are going to teach you how to build a fire using things you can find in the forest," the first camp counsellors said. "To make it easier, just stick with your archery group for this and work with them," the second one said. The camp counsellors began demonstrating to everyone the things they would need to find to make a fire, and what to do with them. Shadow tried to pay attention to what they were saying, but he was too distracted by the fact that Sonic was standing next to him. He wanted to tell him right then about his feelings but he knew he couldn't do it in front of everyone. "Everything ok Shadow?" Sonic asked, noticing Shadow seemed to be thinking about something. "Fine," Shadow said. "I mean yes. Yes, everything's fine," he stuttered. Sonic laughed. "Okay ... so let's get started," Sonic said, motioning Shadow over to their assigned fire pit. "Right," Shadow said, not even realizing the instructions had ended. "Um, you were paying attention to the instructions, right?" Shadow asked Sonic. "Yeah ... you weren't, were you?" Sonic asked. Shadow shook his head. Sonic smirked. "Look Shadow, if you're freaked out about what I said last night ... I'm sorry. I just thought it would be better to be honest with you," Sonic said. Shadow frowned. "No, Sonic, it's not that. I was just ... I'm just tired. I can't pay attention because we stayed up so late. That's all. You didn't freak me out at all," he explained. Sonic smiled. Before he had a chance to respond they noticed their friends staring at them. "Everything ok guys?" Maria asked. "Yes. So, let's make this fire," Sonic said, crouching down with his group in front of the fire pit. Shadow followed.
"The first thing we need to collect is tinder. So stuff like dead plants and grass, birch bark, moss, and dry leaves. Sonic, you and your guys go get a whole bunch of that and we'll handle the kindling," Maria explained. Sonic and his friends all nodded and started spreading out around the woods to search for the things they needed. "Um ... what is kindling exactly? I wasn't paying attention," Shadow said. His friends laughed. "I think they said it was stuff like twigs and pieces of wood. Let's just get a bunch of that," Maria suggested. "Alright, we'll meet back here," Rock said. Everyone ran off in opposite directions and Shadow instantly started searching for Sonic. His bright blue fur stood out even from a mile away. Shadow ran over to the blue hedgehog so they could search together. "Hey, you just can't keep away from me can you?" Sonic smirked, poking Shadow with his elbow. "Heh," Shadow said, blushing. "So, what's up?" Sonic asked. "Oh, nothing. Listen when you said you liked me last night-" "don't worry Shadow, I believe you. I know you're not freaked out," Sonic cut Shadow off. Shadow smiled, still catching his breath from running. "Are you mad that I kept you up that late?" Sonic asked. "No. I could've told you I wanted to go to sleep earlier if I wanted to," Shadow said. "Yeah, I guess," Sonic smiled. "So was that all you wanted to tell me?" Sonic asked. "Yes," Shadow said, feeling too nervous to tell Sonic anything else. "Actually no," he hesitated. "Well, ugh, I don't know," Shadow sighed. Sonic stopped walking. Shadow followed. "What is it?" Sonic asked, "you can tell me." Shadow stared at Sonic. He shook his head. Sonic smiled. "Why won't you tell me?" he asked. "Because ... it's too ... ok, I'll tell you tonight. As long as you don't ask about it again," Shadow stuttered. "Fine," Sonic said. "Can I just ask one thing?" he asked. "Yeah," Shadow agreed. "Is it something I should be worried about?" Sonic asked, frowning. "No," Shadow said. Sonic smiled, "ok."
The two continued searching for the things needed for their fire while making casual conversation. Once they were both finished they walked back to their fire pit. Their friends were already there waiting for them. "There you guys are. Took you long enough," Rouge said. Sonic and Shadow added their things into the fire pit. "What was the next thing we had to do?" Maria asked. "I think they said we need a few bulkier logs and then we're done," Amy explained. "Alright then, let's just get ... like 5?" Maria suggested. "Sure," Amy said. After the group collected 5 logs, they laid them around the things they already arranged in the fire pit. "Alright, I'll go get a match from the person," Sonic said, walking over to the camp counsellor to get a match box. He came back and took one out. The group passed it around trying to light a flame. "What kind of witchcraft is this?! It's not lighting!" Knuckles yelled. "Calm down!" Amy laughed. "Let's try with another one," Tails said, taking out a different match. The group probably went through about 7 matches before successfully lighting one. Maria brought the flame to the fire pit and everyone watched the fire grow. "We did it guys!" Amy smiled. "But if this was for, like, a real survival thing where would we find random matches sitting around?" Knuckles asked. "Maybe they grow on trees," Sonic said. "Or maybe you should just take them with you before you go in to a forest," Amy said. "I'm sure there are other ways to start a fire besides using a match," Rock said. "Yeah, you can use a magnifying glass to start a fire," Tails said. "WHO BRINGS A MAGNIFYING GLASS AROUND WITH THEM?" Knuckles asked. The others laughed. For the first time ever, the eight of them were actually getting along.

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