The Truth Hurts

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     By the time 5:30 came around Sonic and Shadow knew they had to get back to the cabin to walk over to the dance. Shadow brought it up first. "It's almost 5:30. We should head back," he said, looking at his watch. "Alright. But let's walk slow," Sonic suggested. "Fine. Why?" Shadow asked. "There's no need to rush," Sonic smiled. Shadow looked around and started slowing down his speed. "Sorry, I guess I'm just upset we didn't spend much time together today," Sonic said. "What do you mean? We did the scavenger hunt thing together," Shadow reminded Sonic. "Yeah, but that was all of us and you and I didn't really talk," Sonic pointed out. Shadow shrugged. "Yeah, I guess so," he said. "Well, I promise to talk to you at the dance. I'll spend most of my time doing that," Shadow said. "Okay," Sonic replied, smiling to the ground.
Sonic and Shadow walked back inside the cabin to see most guys lined up and ready to leave. A few still putting their shoes on. "Feeling better now Shadow?" A teacher asked after approaching Shadow. Shadow was confused, but he went along with it. "Oh, uh, yeah I'm feeling fine. Thank you," he said. The teacher nodded and walked off. "Uh ..." Sonic stuttered. Knuckles, Rock and Tails approached them. "Did you guys hear that? Why did the teacher ask me if I was feeling better?" Shadow asked. "Oh, well he asked why you and Sonic left the cabin so I told him you weren't feeling well and needed some fresh air," Knuckles said, his mouth full of some kind of sandwich he was eating. "Knuckles didn't they tell us not to bring food into the cabin? Because it can attract mice and stuff ..." Sonic said. Knuckles looked down at his sandwich. "Whoops," he said, before taking another bite. "What took you guys so long anyway? Did you walk off somewhere?" Rock asked. "Oh, yeah. We were just walking around," Shadow responded quickly, before Sonic could say anything dumb. "Oh, k. Well, let's line up then and get out of here," Rock said, getting in line with the others.
The guys met back up with Rouge, Amy and Maria once they got inside. "You guys look pretty good," Rouge said. "Yeah," Amy agreed. "Thanks," Sonic said. "Do you know when they're serving the food?" he asked. The girls laughed. "Sheesh Sonic, we just got here! Come on let's go get a table before they're all full," Amy said. The room was set up like a banquet hall, with big circular tables and nice tablecloths. The centre pieces were purple flowers in a tall vase and there was already music playing. The group got a table, and chatted for a bit until servers started coming around with their first round of food. It was pasta. Two types in fact. They all ate quickly and Knuckles and Sonic even insisted they ask for more because it was so good. The server ended up giving them all a second serving of the pasta. Once this course was finished they brought out steak with mashed potatoes and vegetables on the side. Sonic of course took Maria's steak. "Are you starving or what?" Rouge asked Sonic. "Not really. I just love food, like a lot," Sonic admitted. Their last round was dessert, which was pistachio ice cream. There was also a buffet table that would be out all night for any time someone wanted to get different dessert. "I'm going over there now. Sonic can have my ice cream, I don't like it," Shadow said, standing up to make his way over to the buffet table. Everyone looked at Sonic. "You know I'll eat all of his and mine," Sonic said. The group laughed. By the time Shadow came back his ice cream was gone. The group continued enjoying their desserts, going up often and coming back with more, talking while they ate. The time eventually came when the music got louder and the lights got darker. A lot of Mobians got up and immediately danced in the centre of the room. "How could anyone dance after eating all that?" Knuckles asked. "I know I can! Come on guys lets go," Amy encouraged her friends to join her. She got everyone to go up, except Shadow of course. "You guys have fun. I'm gonna stay here and eat more dessert," he said. They let him off the hook and went to the dance floor to dance with their classmates. Shadow mainly kept himself busy by playing on his phone and eating more chocolate. A few people tried to get him to dance, but he refused. He then started to think about Sonic. "What did he want to say again? Didn't he have an idea about something?" Shadow wondered. He looked over at the dance floor to spot out Sonic. He was there talking with Tails and a few others Shadow didn't know. He looked back at his phone. "He's weird. It was probably nothing," he convinced himself. Eventually, the crazy dancing was paused when it was time to do karaoke. Shadow's friends returned to the table. More people than anyone expected were going up to sing a song on the karaoke machine. None of them were that great, but they had fun, which was all that mattered (remember that, kids). "See? I told you. Ear. Plugs," Sonic smirked. "Oh Sonic, come on," Rouge laughed. Sonic laughed too. "Hey maybe you should go up for karaoke," Tails said. "Haha, yeah. Like that'll happen," Sonic responded, taking a sip of his water. "Aw come on you're a good singer," Amy said. "You're not going to convince me," Sonic said, "but thank you."
Karaoke was lasting so long, that the party had finally switched back to dancing. It started up again with the normal fast dancing. Sonic and his friends went up once again, and danced for a bit. Until, it went on to the slow dancing. "I knew they would have slow dancing," Sonic thought. He immediately glanced over at Shadow, who noticed him right away. Sonic signalled him over. Shadow shook his head and raised his hand. Sonic rolled his eyes and walked over to Shadow. "Come with me. We're not going to dance," Sonic said. Shadow nodded. "O-ok ..." he said, following Sonic quietly through the front door, when no one was looking. "What are we doing? We just ditched the others," Shadow said. "It's ok they'll still have fun without us," Sonic said. "Come on," he repeated, taking Shadow's hand and running to the trees.
Sonic walked over to the shelter him and his group had built earlier. He got on his knees and climbed in. "What ... are you doing?" Shadow asked. "Getting in the shelter, duh," Shadow heard Sonic's voice from within the shelter. Shadow smirked and joined Sonic inside. "What are we doing?" Shadow repeated, sitting beside Sonic. "I thought we could hang out here. Have some time together," he answered. "Mm ... k," Shadow said, laying back on the grass. Sonic joined him. They stared at the stars through the slits in the wood. "The music is pretty loud," Shadow said. "Yeah. I can hear it perfectly," Sonic laughed. The two were quiet. "Do you know what time we're leaving tomorrow?" Shadow asked finally. "Not sure. Early though. Like right after we wake up," Sonic said. "Ah, okay," Shadow said. "You still excited to leave?" Sonic wondered. "No. Well kind of. But not as much," Shadow admitted. "Why?" "Well, I guess I don't really want everything to go back to normal. We're all going to go back to you with your four and me with my four. No classes together, or anything," Shadow explained. Sonic smiled. "Awww ..." Sonic sighed. "Stop it," Shadow smirked. "It doesn't have to be like that though. We can continue hanging out," Sonic said, "you could start by giving me your phone number." Shadow smirked. "Remind me when we get back to the cabin," Shadow agreed. Sonic nodded. "Well come on," he said starting to crawl out of the shelter. "We're going back inside?" Shadow asked, following Sonic. "No," Sonic answered, standing in front of the shelter. "The slow dance will probably end soon," Sonic said. "So?" Shadow wondered. "So, let's dance before it ends," Sonic said, opening his arms. Shadow looked around. "... Here?" he asked. Sonic nodded. Shadow slowly approached Sonic and placed his hands on his waist. "You're a weird guy," Shadow said as Sonic put his hands on Shadow's shoulders. Sonic shrugged. "You fell in love with me," he pointed out. Shadow blushed. He was going to deny it, but changed his mind. That would've been a lie anyway. Sonic and Shadow began dancing slightly. Neither of them really knew how to dance, but they gave it a try anyway. They brought more movement as their dance went on. They smiled and laughed to break the awkwardness. Two songs went by before Shadow finally stopped their movement. "I really did fall in love with you," Shadow said. He pulled Sonic towards him and kissed his lips. Sonic kissed him back, still hanging on to Shadow's shoulders. They let go of the kiss, but Sonic immediately pulled back in. They continued kissing before Shadow pointed out how cold it was. "Let's go back in," Sonic said, getting back in the shelter. It wasn't a big improvement but it was better than nothing. "Unless you wanted to go back to the dance," Sonic said once Shadow joined him again in the shelter. "No. I think we're good out here," he said, sitting closer in front of Sonic to continue kissing him. Losing track of time, the two were still kissing by the time slow dancing had ended. They heard the romantic, quiet music end and switch back over to the fast, crazy and loud songs. They knew their friends would probably be wondering where they were at this point but they couldn't stop themselves. They kissed in lots of different ways, exploring what they liked, and took breaths by kissing different parts of each other's face. Shadow held Sonic's shoulders, allowing Sonic to dominate the kissing. Sonic moved his head slowly up and down so that Shadow's lips would follow. He pulled Shadow down so that he could lay on top of them while they kissed. As Shadow moved down to kiss Sonic's chest, Sonic had the opportunity to touch Shadow's quills, back, arms and face. Shadow had always been so against people touching him. He would jump out of his skin anytime somebody laid a finger on him because he was never expecting it. He didn't even like being hugged by any of his closest friends. There's no real explanation as to why, but everyone knew not to even think about touching Shadow. Shadow was Shadow, that's just the way he was. So for Sonic to be able to stroke Shadow without him stopping him, it was a big deal. He even began running his fingers through Shadow's soft chest fur, his most sensitive and prized possession. Sonic laughed quietly at the thought of how much Shadow cared about his chest fur. Shadow squirmed back up Sonic to reach his lips again and began kissing them. His lips started getting sore, but he ignored it. By the time their friends had scattered around outside in search of them, it was a little too late to sneak back inside.
Amy came bursting in to the shelter after hearing noises coming from it. Sonic threw Shadow off of Sonic and they both pretended that nothing had just happened. "Were you two... kissing?" Amy asked. Sonic and Shadow looked at each other. "No!" Sonic yelled. "Then what the heck are you doing out here? Why did you leave the dance? Why didn't you tell us? You guys have got some explaining to do!" she said. The others had run over at this point after hearing the commotion. "Hey guys!" Sonic said. "Sonic!" Amy responded. "What?" Sonic asked. "Answer the question," Amy said. "Which one?" "Sonic!!" The group exclaimed. "Ok, ok," Sonic said, crawling back out from the shelter. Shadow followed. "The truth is ... we ... we uh ..." Sonic stuttered, glancing over at Shadow hoping he would speak up. "The truth is that ... Sonic's head was hurting from the music so he asked me to come outside with him because he didn't want to steal you guys away from dancing," Shadow said. "Uh, yeah!" Sonic blurted out. "So we came to the shelter because it was colder outside and we were just talking. You know, 'cause me and Shadow have been getting along lately and stuff," he continued on Shadow's lie. Everyone stared at them. "You guys are sure?" Rouge asked. "Yeah because, if you're all in love and stuff we won't mind. It's not like any of us will judge you," Maria pointed out. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement. Sonic took a deep breath and was about to speak, but Shadow interrupted. "Trust us. There's nothing going on here. We can go back inside now," Shadow said quickly. Everyone agreed, though still with doubt in their minds. They all ran back inside, where Sonic and Shadow avoided speaking for the rest of the dance.

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