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Louis POV

Today is the Ama and I have to bring Eleanor with my as a fake date. Naeva been mad at me since she found out about it Eleanor was geek about this she went posting it on twitter

There was a lot of comments calling Eleanor the home racker. I guess the fans like me and Naeva together better. Since being in LA I brought Ava with me so she won't be any trouble to Naeva.Niall was taking Ava with him for his date.

Naeva POV

Me and Jr have the house to our self this weekend. Louis took Ava went him to LA she was going to be Niall date to the AMA Lou the boys hairstylist went dress shopping for Ava Lou sent me a picture it was so cute.

Right now me and Jr is at the park I am pushing him in the little kid swing. While I was doing that Raven walk over to me with her daughter Erica

Raven: Where the other little one

Naeva: Well Louis took her with him to LA

Raven: How you feel about Louis being there with Eleanor

Naeva: Its something deep down inside me who think Eleanor kinda planned this

Raven: You think that

Naeva: Yeah because before me and Louis was together he wasn't bring no one with him and at couple with after I had my baby Simon think he should go with the ex bitch

Raven:I get what you saying now

Naeva: Yeah something don't add up here

While me and Raven was pushing the kids some lady walk up to me handing me a letter and it read something really crazy that I was scared.


You family is mine I already got two just know the last one is mine. You never knew when something bad happen I am everywhere you are

Reading that letter I looked around the park I let Raven see the letter and she look arounded too. Now I am scared for my life who would write a letter saying that and the only person who got Louis and Ava There is Eleanor.

Louis POV

I was in the Car with Niall Ava and Eleanor heading to Nokia Theater so I could get this day over with and bring Ava and myself back home to my lovely girlfriend. We arrive at the red carpet Niall and Ava got out first then Me and Eleanor came out the car.

She was trying to hold my hand while walking but I was walking fast not trying to hold her hand or take picture with her for long as we going to be here. One interview from Clever TV pulled me into an interview.


Clever:Louis why you bring your ex with you

Louis: Well management told me to

Clever: everyone call her the home racket

Louis: I just know I want this to be over so me and Niall date can go home to Naeva and Louis Jr.

Clever:Awww Louis

*END of Interview*

I walk inside the building sitting in the middle so Eleanor was nowhere near me. Because she is going to be a face on for the camera and that going make Naeva mad at me.

Today we are peforning at the AMA and I couldn't wait for them to hear the song we release in July and performed in GMA August Drag Me Down. While I was sitting Ava told me she have to go use the rest room I didn't want her peeing in the boys bathroom. So I had to ask Eleanor to take her I didn't like asking her but my daughter had to go.

Eleanor POV

Louis ask me to take his little Brit to the bathroom. I agree because I would be able to get her alone to give her something that would make her sick because I knew she can't get peanuts.

Eleanor: Hi Ava you hungry

Ava Marie: Yes I am

Eleanor: Well I have a fruit roll up you want half

Ava Marie: Yeah

The Brit came out the bathroom eating on the fruit roll up. Ava was done eating on the fruit roll we made it to our sits and the Boys was on stage accepting a award for something. I watch as Louis said thanks you to the fans and everyone I look over at Ava Marie seeing she was choking grasping for Air I was just watching laughing to myself because Louis is about to Louis a daughter.

Niall POV

We was on stage saying our take you when I looked into the crowd seeing Ava was looking kinds blue in the face. The celebrities that was sitting in front of us turn there attention to her that when I ran off stages. I got to Ava and she was grasping for Air I didn't know what was wrong I pulled out my phone dialing 9-1-1.

Naeva POV

I was watching the AMA with Raven when I saw Niall run off stage to Ava and she was having trouble breath the bitch Eleanor was smiling. The camera went on the other and they came running off stage.

I look at Raven with tears falling out my eyes. Raven turn off the TV hugging me and I just cried

Naeva: What is she did something to my baby

Raven: We dont know that let's just call the boys

Naeva: yeah alright

Raven pulled out her phone calling The boys but none of them answer so now we was waiting until they called us.

Louis POV

Right now we are in the hospital because Ava couldn't breath. While in the way here she went flat line but they got her back. Once we got to the hospital they took her to the back so I Had to wait in the waiting room with the boys and Eleanor.

*PHONE conversation *

Louis: hello

Naeva: How is my daughter Louis

Louis: Look on got Paul coming to get you my mom is going to watch the baby for us

Naeva: Okay Me and Raven come there

*end of Conversation *

Naeva hang up and I put my phone back inside my pocket waiting for the doctor to come out. Eleanor came over rubbing my back I didn't really care because my daughter is in the back sick.

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