chapter 1

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Phil's pov

I have just woke up to the most horrible thought ever. School. Today especially is going to be a horrible day as my school is turning into an academy this means we will be owned by a company. This is not the horrible thing though. What's horrible is we are all being put into different forms with different people in our year group ,which is awful as this year I was finally in a form with my two closest friends. I'm not sure if I would say they where my BEST friends as they have known each other practically since birth and I have only known them for 5 years now. Thinking back now I don't know if I have ever even had a best friend I've had close friends yeah but not really anyone I can call my best friend. Anyway I'm trialling off the topic as usual I need to get ready and head to possibly one of the worst days of my high school life.

After a quick shower I look through my cupboard to try and find suitable clothing for such a horrid day. I decide on a dark blue top and a regular black jumper with some jeans.

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