'Chapter 3

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I'm going to have to split pov so you can understand the first impressions from both of them (if that makes sense).

Dan's pov

I walked up to the school gates and took a deep breath in before stepping onto the yard. Being new I had to go to reception to get my time table first thing before form. I was so glad I didn't have to wander the yard on my own (I have too much experience with doing that). When I entered reception the lady asked for my name and handed me my time table, she also told me my form teacher would be Mr Howard and she said not to worry as he was very nice and it was everyone's first day in the new forms anyway.

At this point I had started to calm down but my hands where still shaking and I felt like being sick, but decided against that as it would not be the best first impression. The bell then rang signalling the beginning of form. As I began to trail away from the receptions office the woman stopped me and handed me a card which I would use to get lunch and also use to enter the toilet. She joked about it not being able to open the girls toilets as to many guys had tried that last year.
I gave her a weak laugh and began to slump off to form trying to convince myself that the school would not be as bad as I was thinking.

Phil's pov

I walked into my new form and quickly scanned the room to see the people I would be spending 15 minutes with every morning. I was ok with everyone until I realised Chris and Pj weren't their. I slumped over to a desk at the back of the room with only two chairs hoping no one would sit their. As if anyone would want to anyway according to Rachael Woods the mean girl of school phil and his friends were social outcast undeserved to remain in the shadows of the'superior'.

3rd person POV

Phil got out his sketchbook and began drawing a picture of pikachu. At that moment Phil's new form teacher Mr Howard walked in with a guy he had never seen before. Mr Howard announced his name was Daniel and he was new and would be joining this form. He had dark brown hair and a similar haircut to Phil's he was wearing a lot of black and seemed quite nervous as he could not stop messing with his hands. Phil felt sorry for the guy it's hard being the new kid.

Dan's  pov

As soon as I walked into the class I felt like i was going to collapse. As Mr Howard was introducing me I took the opportunity to search the class room and see who I was going to be seeing ever morning for the next year. My eyes met with a guy with black hair pale skin and a setchpad he was staring directly at me and I felt awkward just standing there. He quickly pulled his gase away noticing they we both staring at each other very intensely in a room full of people as though they could see right into the others soul. My thinking was interrupted by Mr Howard asking me to take a seat and pointed towards the mysterious dark haired guy at the back of the room. I walked a cross trying not to trip over anyone's bag and quietly to a seat next to the guy.

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