Chapter 9

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Dans pov

I couldn't stop thinking about what Phil said about dreams. Could it be true? What would this dream mean anyway I feel like it's so obvious but I just quite can't grasp it. I was quickly snapped out of my train of thought when the bail for lunch rang and everyone began to hurriedly pack their things away and leave.
'You ready?' Asked Phil and he slid his bag onto his back I nodded in reply. We began to head toward the canteen and I pulled out my fob. As we lined up I couldn't help but take some secret glances at Phil he was so interesting and fun why would he want to be friends with me.
I wasn't really in the mood for eating much so I only grabbed a sandwich and a drink. Phil spotted Chris and Pj sitting at a table at the back of the canteen we began to head towards them and I couldn't help but feel everyone's glances on me and hear whispers about 'the new kid'.*********************
During lunch we just talked about life and I tried to avoid questions about my old school as I didn't quite feel comfortable enough to unload everything onto them just yet. When we had all finished our dinners we began to head outside and say down on a grassy area under a 'tree.

'So Dan what do you think about this school so far?' Pj asked.
'I mean I haven't really talked to anyone apart from you guys, but from what I've seen so far it's seems pretty nice'
'So is it better than your old school?' Pj asked. I tensed up at his question I had just began to forget about that but I guess your past follows you round like a shadow huh.'ummm yeah I guess.' I reply and I notice them exchange glances probably wondering why the even invited me to sit with them.
Then Chris spoke up 'so we are going to need your number you know since we are gonna be like the 4 amigos' I slightly smiled and laughed relieved that they didn't want to get rid of me just yet.
I pulled out my phone and exchanged numbers. We were interrupted by the bell and we had to go to class.
Skip to the end of the day***********************************************************
We all met outside the gates and began to walk home together. It was nice to not walk in my own with just music to guide me. We talked about loads of random things and just chatted away like we'd known each forget for years. It eventually came to the point when Pj and Chris had to go the opposite direction and it was just me and Phil.

For some reason I felt more comfortable when it was just me and Phil I don't know why but I guess it's just because he was the first person I met at the school.' Dan this is  gonna sound really weird but I'm really glad you came to this school it's nice having someone else I mean I've always had Pj and Chris but they've known each other for years so I feel kinda like a third wheel sometimes so thank you for just being here' Phil said and I honestly at that moment felt happier than I had been in ages it's nice to know someone actually wants to be my friend for once.
'Thanks Phil you don't know how much that means to me It's nice to know that someone wants to be my friend I like being around you too'. Everything was silent for a while but it was a comfortable silence.

We came to my house and before I walked in me and Phil had a short hug and said bye. I know we'd only known each other for a day but it didn't feel like it. ' I hope you enjoyed your first day see you tomorrow Dan'.
'I did enjoy it thanks to you .........and Pj and Chris see you tomorrow.'
We waved and I went into my house as usual no one was home yet. I jogged up to my room and put my bag down on the floor and almost automatically grabbed my laptop and went unto tumblr.After a billion years of scrolling through the tumblr o got a notification on Facebook and it was a friend request from Phil. I accepted and sent him one back which he accepted almost straight away. I scrolled through a few of his pictures which were most of strange objects and shirts. I was brought out of my trans by a beep from my phone I read the notification and it said that I had been added to a chat 'johnlock forever'  I wondered who added me but as soon as I clicked it and realised it was Chris I wasn't surprised at all. I mean I had only know him for a day but I already knew he wasn't the most normal person in the world.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jan 10, 2016 ⏰

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