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In this bit I am interviewing RuthlessHyena07, which many of you may know as 
Midnightchibi07. RuthlessHyena07 is an amazing author, and has been on wattpad for a relatively long time. If you haven't discovered RuthlessHyena07 yet, please do!


How did you discover the Visual Kei/Jrock scene?

Believe it or not I discovered JRock from watching a Bleach AMV. The song that got me into Gazette was Nausea and shudder. I believe it was there that I fell in love with the guitar work and drums, Ruki's voice topping it all off. The album Stacked Rubbish came out afterwards and I was done and hooked forever. Screw is also a band I follow alongside the GazettE.

How has it helped you?

Jrock has opened my eyes to a different kind of world and culture. Sure i'm crazy about Japanese culture but the visual kei scene is unlike anything else I have ever seen in my life. It's made me a even more open minded person. It inspires me about the way a person thinks and how others view issues. I think the question should also be how the music affects me. Gazette is the main band I listen to and they tame the fire that rages inside me and calms me. But the same with all music they have different variety and that plays with my emotions depending on the day I've had. Same with you all, certain songs will hit you harder one day than another depending on what happened or what you're feeling. It makes you feel connected with the band. Like they understand you. (Or maybe that's just me) :P

How did you get your username?

Well my username used to be Midnightchibi07. It stemmed from me being short and loving the midnight sky especially during winter. It's just a calm atmosphere where the dark sky looks like it goes forever. (It does). Ive changed to RuthlessHyena07. It comes from the two GazettE songs. I have a Ruthless bitter mind. Hyena was the first song I learned on guitar. Number 7 is my favorite number.

What is your favourite story, that you wrote, at the moment?

That's a hard one. I'm in the works of writing All Your Fault and I like the idea of my story. I just don't think it will come out how I wanted. But I would say Starbursts is my favorite, it is about my top OTP Uruki and a starburst.

What is your favourite story by another author?

Aish I hate this question because I never have just one. But I'll go for my ultimate favorite one.It would be The Reverse Side Of Beauty: Kinmotsu By Lunachaos. It's a brilliant storyline where they fight their feeling(Ruki in denial, Uruha the seductor) and they slowly overcome issues while on their world tour for their new album. I don't believe it's available for reading anymore on livejournal. But it will always hold a spot in my heart.

What is your OTP?

I have three but my number one is Uruki. Theres something tender about how he looks at uruha and their relationship seems special to me in a way it isn't with the others.

A bit about RuthlessHyena07:

Im a 21 year old argentinan by the name of Katie who fell in love with the GazettE. Gazette is the reason I picked up my guitar again after 5 years of not playing. It is impossible to listen to Gazette and not feel my fingers twitching to play alongside them. When I don't have my guitar on me I use the back of my phone as a fretboard to play along. I get tons of crazy looks and comments for doing so but I can't bring myself to give a damn.I have 4 guitars. 1. Black LTD F-10 (aoi's guitar but a cheaper version) name: KDarkness2. Red LTD F-50 (same as other, but better PU) Name: Grell 3. White custom guitar Name : Lunar Fang4. Black fender squire Name: white Moon.3 & 4 Named after ichiruki (Bleach )I care about people who I consider close to me. Obviously you writers I follow are important to me. You people inspire me with your writing and make me want to know you more. Sometimes I want to talk with you guys but I feel you talk to so many other people that I feel like it would be a bother to you. Idk why it's just something I feel. I hope I can keep updating my stories I write for you and that you enjoy them as much as I enjoy writing them.

Again a thankyou to RuthlessHyena07! I hope more people discover your fantastic works and those who have already continue to support you! My favourite work of yours is Starbursts, because it is so damn cute! :3

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