Ms. Georgia stood by the large desk and handed us a pair of Test sheets. "Take your seats girls. We're yet discussing the M.C.Q's. Nothing important went amiss," she told us. Nodding our heads in unision, we proceeded to the very end of the Gathering Hall.
To our right the 10.B's were seated, most of whom appeared unfamiliar to my lessened knowledge of the student body at large. The blonde-haired boy seated to my right smiled playfully at me. I was shocked, my eyes enlargened. Nevertheless, I appeared attentive to Ms. Georgia instead, who was now discussing the answers of the remaining M.C.Q's. We continued at this pace and the ringing of the school bell signified our final session with her.
I tried to appear calm although my pulse reacted otherwise, making me strain to breathe. Miranda placed her palm over mine and interlaced our fingers, "It's gonna be alright, 'kay? I'm there for you," she whispered and smiled warmly at me. I nodded too quickly, composing myself and keeping the threatening rush of salty droplets at bay. I reviewed the paper in my hand belonging to a girl of the next class; she had not attempted Question.02 regarding the feud. I glanced sideways at Miranda who shook her head. I sighed defeatedly, my veins bobbing in my temple. I merely wished against everything I had ever hoped for; the non-existence of my indulgence in the answer to that particular question.
It could not be, I reasoned with myself for most of the class inclusive of Ms. Georgia herself would be gawking at me this very instant. Bracing myself forth with every ounce of courage, I listened to her conclude the manner in which the first question ought to have been answered in detail.
"Alright any doubts there?" she asked us collectively. No-one interrupted and she continued, "Good. Proceeding over to Question.02 then," she repeated the question and looked up from the paper in her hands with a twinkling smile on her face. Was she searching for me? Thereafter she continued with a short laugh, "Tell me, who actually attempted this question?" she asked.
For a fraction of a second her gaze lingered upon me and I gulped down my fear. I was mostly the only student at class who attempted such questions and with Ms. Georgia being accustomed to it, I was worried whether she would question the cause for my withdrawal. I had the capacity within me to explain the feud. However my heart spoke instead, displaying reluctance and dismay at the word 'Northerners'. The blonde-haired boy to my right stood up and so did Eliza. Ms. Georgia stared between the two of them and then a slight look of dissapointment appeared on her porcelain skin, directed at me. I could only bite my lips, my tongue now grazing at drops of the salty texture of blood. She composed herself and I exhaled a heavy breath that I had been containing within.
"Alright, which of you has Mr. Thomas' paper? Please read the answer aloud," she told us and leant back on the desk with her arms folded across her waist. I recognized Robert Phills from 10.B, second-cousin to the Johnsons twins, who apparently had the blonde-haired boy's paper. Ms. Georgia nodded at him to proceed.
"The Northerners belong to the caste of the affluent with constructions of mining, factories, roads and all the substance of a developed region apparent therein. It has always been prevalent in their ancestors dating back to the 1980's: the greed for more land. Thus, battles arose against the Southern region of the Wilfred Hill District varying from era to era.
The recent feud that had occurred between the two regions was no different, with the exception of the largest bloodbath that had ever occurred in history. Mostly, it was a massacre of the Southerners. Thus, Sir Francis sent for a Pact of Peace which was complied and executed. It was a pact that involved the bout of harmony between the two regions: his son, Master Samuel, was to betroth a Southern villager and the heir presented forth would ensure Wilfred Hill District being brought under a single reign. Thus, creating a solution that had never sprouted ever in history," he concluded.
The entire class remained hushed, all looking forth between Thomas and Mrs. Georgia. My mouth was literally hanging. I was dumb-struck - Dad and Mom were shoving me into the hands of a son's ruler to simply produce an heir.
I felt repulsion towards the entire matter. I opted for silence, my mind did not register nor pay heed to Mrs. Georgia's words thereafter.
The remaining questions were discussed and a minute hadn't passed after the bell had rung when the entire crowd had scampered away. Mrs. Georgia shook her head, retrieved her crocodile hide handbag and walked towards her next class.
I followed after her with a depressed mind. We had Library and were at liberty to either study or read. I sat on the wooden chair and had my head placed on the circular table. I had dozed off unknowingly until I felt someone shake my shoulders. It was that blonde haired boy.
A Genuine Infatuation and A Theorem for Love
RomanceLinda has always been engrossed in her own world of books and a deep passion for studies. So much that it dwindled with her capacity to mingle amongst others - like any ordinary teenager would have committed to doing so. This worked worry into her p...